Wolverhampton May Day Committee: We decided due to the continued prevalence of Covid, that we would not put people at risk and hold an indoor event.
We approached Wolverhampton City Council to use West Park but they refused us to use any council premises.
• Women trade unionists from Cambodia, recently released from jail following a LabourStart campaign.
• A union leader from Lithuania speaking about the first public-sector strike in their country in decades
• Students at the Global Labour University showing their support for the jailed union leaders in Belarus.
• And many more …
other events that are going ahead:
Worcester TUC 11-3pm Sat 30 April Cornmarket Worcester
Leicester TUC 11am-3pm Sunday 1st May at Highfields Centre Melbourne RD
Birmingham TUC 7pm-10pm Sunday 1st May @ St Andrews Sports & Community centre, Oxhill Rd, Handsworth B20 0HX
Chesterfield TUC Monday 2nd May 10-30am march from Town Hall and outdoor rally town centre