AGM January 2003

WB&DTUC Minutes of Annual General Meeting

Thursday 16th January 2003

Brothers: D Joynson, N Kelleher, D Ash, P Kalinauekas, R Tinsley, K Rana, A Turner,
N Brackenridge, J Grant, G Baynham, B Deacon, P Davis, P Goalby, W Juss
Sisters: H Aujla (observer), S Sagoo, P Welch, S Allen, M Taylor (in the Chair).

1. Welcome to New Delegates

2. Apologies
Brothers: R Marris, D Turner, K Purchase, D Cole.

3. Minutes of 2002 Annual General Meeting.
Agreed a true & accurate record.

4. Matters Arising.

5. Presidential Address.
Bro. N Brackenridge gave the address in the absence of a President.
Congratulations to the Secretary and the Trades Council for all his hard work in the past year. The Trades Council had been represented at two rallies this week one in Stoke (anti-racist/fascist), and in Birmingham in support of a FBU colleague. Bro. Brackenridge emphasised the Trades Council’s continuing stance on anti-globalisation and the Labour Party not delivering to the Trades Unions and the people. Delegates were thanked for their attendance and wished a happy new year.

6. Reports.
a] Secretary. A written annual report was provided.
Supplementary report.
d) £25 donation to London Hazards agreed.
4) a) Friction Dynamics rally invite (also thanks for support) Sat 25th Jan. – Contact Steve/Nick
d) Palestine Solidarity conference London 1st March. Unison sending delegates by rail, there maybe spare seats please contact Bro. Deacon, Turner or Kelleher.

b] Treasurer. Audited accounts were presented and the financial report adopted. Thanks were given to both the Treaurer and Auditor. The balance of the accounts remained roughly the same as last year.

7. Election of Scrutineers.
Bro. Tinsley elected.
(Bro. Kelleher takes the Chair)

8. Elections.
The nominations of:

a] President M Taylor Elected
(Sis. Taylor takes the Chair)
b] Vice-President R Marris Elected
c] Secretary N Kelleher Elected
d] Treasurer J Grant Elected
e] Minutes Secretary D Joynson Elected

f] Executive Committee Members:
S Sagoo, P Davis, D Ash. Elected

g] Auditor:
A Turner. Elected

h] Lesbian & Gay TUC Observer – Bro. Deacon nominated & agreed.
j] Women`s TUC Observer – P Welch nominated & agreed.
k] Black Workers` TUC Observer – W Juss nominated & agreed.
l] Disability TUC observer Agenda Item.
m] W.Mids County Association of Trades Councils – 4 delegates.
N Kelleher, P Kalinauekas, M Taylor, P Davis (N Brackenridge reserve) nominated & agreed.
n] Trades Union Council Annual Conference delegate – Bro. N Kelleher nominated & agreed.
o] Publicity Officer – Bro. D Ash nominated & agreed
p] WREC – Sis. S Sagoo & Bro. N Kelleher nominated & agreed.

9. Speaker: Sharon Allen, Birmingham Women’s Aid on Domestic Violence – negotiating policies and dealing with members. Agreed to put a link to their web site on WB&D TUC web site.

10. Bro. Goalby gave a verbal report on the latest position of the FBU strike action which will commence on Tuesday21st Jan with a 24hr stoppage with further 48hr stoppages on 28th, 29th Jan and 1st, 2nd Feb.
It was reported that the latest pay offer equated to less than the original offer by the employers and this was only available on acceptance of the Bains report in full. The government are preparing to smash the strike by use of one or more of three methods; 1) Legislation, 2) Injunction and 3) Removal of appliances from Fire stations. The Government is also preparing to force a no strike agreement on fire fighters.
Bro. Goalby also thanked Trades Council for its support of his colleague Bro. Steve Godward, who was suspended for offering Health & Safety advice to colleagues during action.

11. A raffle was held during the meeting, with the £30 proceeds being split between the FBU Hardship Fund and the William Cooks strike fund.

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