Wolverhampton, Bilston & District
Trades Union Council
Thursday 17th April 2008
Sisters: Halfpenny (NUT), Taylor (CYWU /UNITE), Petford (AMICUS/UNITE)
Brothers: Kelleher (UNISON), Grant (UCU), Childs (CWU), Hardacre (ASPECT), Bechler(ATL), Clarke (POA), Baynham(AMICUS), Goodall(UNISON Health), Rahimi (ARC), Cole (NUT), Brackenridge (FBU) Wilkins (BPTUAA)
Apologies –Marris (UNITE), Bostock (POA), Ceresa (UNISON), Marriot (UNISON), Ash (UNISON), Walters (ATL), Muir (CYWU/UNITE), Kelsey (CWU), Juss (GMB)
Delegates and the visiting speaker were welcomed and introduced themselves. Apologies received.
2. MINUTES MEETING OF 20th MARCH were agreed to be a true record
Matters Arising
4(a) Still no affiliations from UCU which was discussed.
3.11 Cuba motion has been to NUT committee and will be brought to next trades council meeting.
5 Regarding the Speaker from UCU Keele it was reported that the demonstration had a good turnout but the university chancellor has not changed her position. There is likely to be more action.
3b) There was an Executive Committee 10.04.08 which was well attended as anti-fascist leafleters had also been invited. 20-day anti BNP campaign was planned.
3c) May Day was discussed and a person is being paid to staff the bouncy castle.
3d) Workers’ Memorial Day 28.04.08 was planned and the difficulty of obtaining wreaths from an appropriate source was discussed.
Correspondence –
3a)3 – If delegates want to go to Love Music Hate Racism Event in London contact Dave 01902 554093 re coach transport
3a)6 – Worcester TUC Class Words agreed to order 10 copies
3a)10 – Affiliation to Repeal Anti-Trade Union Laws agreed.
3a)15 – Affiliation to Abortion rights agreed
Other Correspondence –
POA donated £50 to pay for leaflets re anti BNP
Information regarding banner for Back Country Museum passed to Featherstone POA
Agreed that Bro. Childs be on the executive
a) Secretary’s report – Website now working thanks to Sis Halfpenny’s sister. New website being developed hosted by Left Space which is for organisations such as the Trades Council
b) Treasurer – Funds stable but accounts have not been audited by Adrian Turner.
c) Delegates’ Workplace reports:
NUT pay dispute – schools closing, rally in Birmingham 24.04.08 at 12pm Wolverhampton Teachers’ Association will congregate in St Peter’s Square at 11am before moving on public transport to Birmingham. ASEL has attacked NUT for going on strike as “We have had excellent pay deals”! Messages of support will be sent to rally.
UNISON Single Status Campaign – On hold for several months as deemed an unequal pay scheme. May have to do new model. Scheme did not reduce gender pay gap. 2,000 would have lost money. Back to negotiations.
POA trade union rights- The campaign continues awaiting spot in European courts. Conference soon. Locally encouraging other trades unionists to make picket lines. Clare Short MP visiting prison tomorrow hoping to get her support for the campaign.
UNISON Health- local hospital going for foundation status. Already been reorganisation and cuts undoing ‘agenda for change’. Internal market continues. Ballot without recommendation on pay deal of 2¼% for 3 years.
d) Anti- BNP campaign – excellent postcard done for 2 wards. NUT donating £73 for Searchlight leaflets.
e) Workers’ Memorial Day- 28.04.08 Roger Lawrence speaking and possibly Ken Purchase need wreaths.
f) May Day – fliers distributed. M. Hardacre to investigate publicity on community radio.
g) No Midlands TUC EC
h) Palestine Solidarity – No report. Leaflet distributed to delegates. Public meeting 16.05.08 St Andrew’s church 6.30pm
i) Cuba Solidarity – AGM 7.30pm Old White Rose, Bilston arrive early for ‘tea’ and drink. Good public transport to venue.
6. Speaker: Alan Wilkins Pensioners TU Action Association on the New English Travel Pass
The main demands were that the English pass should be the same as that in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and allow pensioners to use long distance coaches as well as buses. The difficulty of undertaking long journeys by bus with the pass was discussed. It was agreed to give a donation of £50 to the TU Action Association. Information and a petition were circulated.
7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS – garden available for Cuba solidarity garden party courtesy of Norman Brackenridge
The meeting closed at 8.45pm
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