BMA Junior Doctors dispute

strikes after the Tories announced their plan to impose the new contract latest update.  

The planned dates of industrial action are:



Industrial action scheduled for 26 April will change from 48-hour emergency care only to a full withdrawal of labour by junior doctors between the hours of 8am and 5pm on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 April (18 hours in total).

This means that all junior doctors will not attend work, or provide emergency cover between those hours.

It is important to remember that it is only junior doctors that are taking industrial action and so other doctors and healthcare staff will attend work as normal. Since the BMA has given employers much more than the required 7 days’ notice of this action, it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure a service is provided.

Read the full BMA statement


picket at New Cross


9 – 11 March: Emergency care only between 8am on Wednesday 9 March and 8am on Friday 11 March (48 hours)

Junior Doctors started more 48-hour strikes after the Tories announced their plan to impose the new contract latest update.  6 to 8 April 2016 Emergency care only between 8am on Wednesday 6 April and 8am on Friday 8 April (48 hours)

The next period of industrial action, starting on 6 April, will coincide with changeover for some foundation doctors. Some doctors are concerned that they will miss mandatory induction procedures if they take part in the action.

Our view is that an employer needs to be satisfied that their employees are safe to work having been provided with adequate induction information. If a worker cannot access that induction information because they are taking legitimate industrial action, it should be up to the employer to provide it at another time.

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