December 2007


ATTENDANCE : (list lost)  BROTHERS Kelleher, Goodall, Cole, A.Rahimi, N.Rahimi, Ash,  Grant, Deacon,  Marris                                               SISTERS Halfpenny, Ceresa, Taylor, Rahimi
Apologies: BROTHERS – Childs (retired CWU), Hardacre (ASPECT), Muir (CYWU)  Goodall (UNISON Health)
1. WELCOME – to all delegates and visitors, new and old.
2. MINUTES of November Delegate meeting agreed as correct.
 Matters Arising
 3.4 Brothers Kelleher, Goodall and Cole attended Indian Workers Association 24/11/07.
 3.3 Sis. Halfpenny did not raise at Executive as she was not able to attend due to OFSTED.
 4.e No response from Wolverhampton Together.
 4.h Stop Aids Campaign leaflets (postcards) please take & distribute. 
 3.1 Re-affiliate to WEA £20 including donation and national PSC £25.
  LGBT Network – EC recommends Bro. Deacon.
  Women’s Committee is open
  Lack of Black Workers’ nomination forms. Useful to know framework of these different groups.  Secretary to contact Roger McKenzie to clarify how various groups are co-ordinated. E.g. Young, Disabled, Black etc.
 3.5   UNISON report on Trades Council affiliation which Bro. Kelleher will use to encourage branches to affiliate and pass to County Association for others.
 3.6   Badge for Bevin Boys to recognise service in World War II. Bro. Kelleher will send details to branch Secretaries.
 3.10  MultiFaith Cultural Calendar – Workers Memorial Day, May Day missing – delegates to fill in comments slip.
 3.13 TU against EU reform treaty.  More information from both sides is needed.
 6.  Anti BNP campaign – Steering Committee meeting due 31st January 2008 of Wolverhampton Together.  Could we involve Wolves FC to be anti BNP?  Rob Marris may have possible contacts.
• Princes End – BNP lost heavily, vote dropped from 38% to 19%.  Day of action S.Stoke 25/1/08 re-BNP.
•  Wolverhampton College – Stage 1- 10 Tuesdays from 22/1/08. Stage 2 – another venue – 10 Thursdays from 24/1/08.
• Bro. Kelleher on behalf of WB&TUC attended presentation by Inland Revenue for Migrant Workers.  No one else was able to attend from Midlands TUC or Birmingham TUC Unemployed Centre.
• Christmas Party Nite 19/12/07 – over 200 tickets sold.  Should be a profit.  Thanks to Bro. Kelleher for all his efforts and Congratulations.  It should be continued.
• Motion proposed by NUT (printed on Dec Sec. Report)..  Bro. Cole spoke in support of the motion.  Karen Reissmann spoke out against cuts and privatisation in Manchester Mental Health Social Care Trust and was sacked as a result.  Suggestion as to how motion could be split.  Rob Marris has written to Trust to ask them to reconsider the split coming after loss of earnings.  “Mental” inserted after Manchester.  Local dispute is now National.  Cuts (and privatisation) – can County delegates take motion to meeting in January for TUC AGM February.                             Seconded,  Motion Carried.

 (b) TREASURER’s report – Healthy Balance.

 (c) UNISON single status – Very busy.  Large numbers of people compromise agreements whole process has   been to split workforce, “divide & rule”.  Solidarity has been lost.  No appeals because no procedure has been agreed.  Section 188 to be issued to entire workforce. A complex issue that was well debated.

 (e) WMC Association of TUC. Bro. Kelleher President again.  Congratulations. Midlands TUC is only organisation that doesn’t give set of accounts – to be raised.

 (f) MIDLANDS SHOP STEWARDS NETWORK. Written report.  Problems – no special role. Met Prison Officers Assoc.from Wolverhampton.

5. AOB
 County Association nominations: Chair N.Kelleher, Vice Chair G.Hickman,   Secretary/Treasurer S.Hart
Festive refreshments were provided and TU DVD shown – MEETING CLOSED 8:45pm


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