MINUTES OF Delegate MEETING 20th December2012
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Present: Bros. Kelleher, Turner, Everall, Fraser & Deacon (UNISON Gen), Macmillan & Childs (CWU), Juss (GMB), Baynham & Rahimi (UNITE 0758M), Bolton (UNITE), Marris (UNITE 5/836) Sis Taylor (CYWU-UNITE) Apologies: Bros. Retnasangham (Prospect / UNITE), J.Grant (UCU), S.Grant (NUT), Thomas (Community), Brackenridge (FBU); Sis Ceresa (UNISON Gen), Elson (PCS), Halfpenny (NUT) |
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Minutes of November 2012 delegate meeting. Agreed a true record. Matters arising: UNION public meeting with Peruvian TU was cancelled as British Embassy refused visa. |
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No Executive Committee. Correspondence list circulated; of note: a) 2013 WB&DTUC affiliations ASLEF, UNISON Police Staff branch b) Tasmanian comrades re Tinplate workers 1819 c) RMT centenary history book more @£3ea +p&p d) FBU copies of It’s Time to Take over the Banks pamphlet – uploaded to our website e) Walsall TUC re local provision of public toilets in light of cuts and attacks on people with disabilities f) WMCATUC reaffiliation@£45, Abortion Rights reaffiliation £40, Palestine Solidarity reaffiliation £25; Hazards 2013 sponsorship appeal £25; all agreed Sent: 2013 WB&DTUC affiliation forms to branch secretaries (3rd time) To send: public liability insurance cheque; Arab workers Union affiliation; Civic room booking 2013 TUC Committee nominations to be taken at AGM |
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Reports/ discussion a) UNISON – Single Status – new offer from council is being assessed; guaranteed £7.45/hr living wage; 12month protection for two thousand workers set to have pay cuts; some partial payoffs for weekend rates b) UNITE- workplace branches still not fully established in West Midlands; could cause problems with future affiliations c) CATUC – no report of 15 Dec meeting d) TUC Youth Unemployment meeting in Dudley was successful seminar event to be held in Wolverhampton in future. e) Secretary’s report: written report was circulated. Agreed to endorse Inter-faith group City of Sanctuary statement welcoming migrants and refugees. Nominate Bro Rahimi and Sis Ceresa for committee. f) UK Uncut a dozen took part in action at Starbucks, leaflets and petitions distributed; continued public action has resulted in some but not all tax being paid by this and similar companies g) Wednesfield High – Bro. Juss reported on meetings between GMB and council re Carillion and its anti-union practices. h) Palestine Solidarity – Friday 18th January at 7.15pm film evening Friends’ Meeting House, 8b Summerfield Road. Lobby of Parliament took place 28 Nov. Emma Reynolds seemed more positive. International Day of Action in solidarity 6 Feb i) New NHS consultative structures post Lansley – UNISON guidelines to resist privatisation are online. Local health support groups should be involved e.g. W’ton Sickle cell Support etc. Future speaker? |
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Tim Martin singer-songwriter from Darlaston performed his own political songs accompanied on 8-string ukulele. His performance was well received and it was agreed to book him for May 1st. Tim had learnt music through the Workers’ Music Association and is part of Birmingham Clarion Singers
Seasonal refreshments were served. |
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