Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council
Report DECEMBER 2019 (for use at your branch meeting when giving a TUC report)
info@wolvestuc.org.uk 07538045376
www.wolvestuc.org.uk Facebook/wolvestuc please share our events on social media
We’ve had some good attendances at meetings and participation in our events this year. However many who are involved are not delegates from their branches. Several branches failed to affiliate his year and several have been active with us for some years without their branches affiliating.
Please ask your branch to affiliate and to elect delegates this year or just promote our meetings to other trades unionists, better still bring someone along.
Our meetings are on the third Thursday of the month at the very accessible UNITE office in Wolverhampton and we have interesting guest speakers most months.
Our AGM is Thurs 16 Jan 2020 starts 7pm, UNITE office.
If you’ve been a delegate this year then please consider helping out on the Executive Committee when we meet on the Wednesday the week before the delegate meeting to plan events next year, which will include:
♥ Unions campaign 8/9th & Fri 14th Feb 2020 – 11am-1pm in Bilston, Wednesfield and also Wolverhampton. Our very popular activity, giving out flowers while having union conversations. Plan to make videos of people’s comments and feelings about unions.
Workers’ Memorial Day Tues 28 April
Fri 1st May Workers Day festival
Wodenstock 2020? Sunday July 17
music festival teams
supporting local union disputes and campaigns
Many smaller branches have difficulty getting people to take part or attend and our trades union council is an excellent way to meet other activists from different branches locally and to get more involved with local trade union campaigns.
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