February 2004

WB&D TUC Delegate Meeting
MINUTES Thursday 19th February 04

Attendance: Sisters: M Taylor (in the Chair), H Aujla, S Logan (Leicester NATFHE) & another sister
Brothers: N Kelleher, R Tinsley, J Grant, P Goalby, G Dodd, B Deacon, P Davis, K Farmer, D Ash, G Baynham, S Evans, R Marris, A Weaver, T Jones, I Mitchell, R Thomas (UNISON Health Leicester)

1. Welcome to new delegates/visitors & Apologies:
Sisters: S Sagoo, P Welch Brothers: P Kalinauekas, W Juss, N Brackenridge, D Joynson

2. Minutes of December delegate meeting
2.2a Motion “meetings involving lay members should be organised outside works time” was sent via W.Mids.CATUC to Midlands TUC but has not appeared on their agenda. NUJ asked us to assist in demo at Stourbridge/Dudley News but it was called off day before.
2.3.4 Wm. Cooks – remedy meeting was unsuccessful. The appeal will go to Employment Tribunal. Dispute is 3 years long in April. LETTER OF SUPPORT & £100 AGREED

3. WB&D TUC Executive Committee Report (12-02-04) matters arising:
3.3 Midlands TUC LGB&T report from Bro. Deacon – circulated to branch secretaries & available at delegate meeting
3.4a Rob Marris has signed Early Day Motion (EDM) on Sylvia Pankhurst statue – Secretary written to Dennis Turner MP & Ken Purchase MP to sign (Sylvia Pankhurst Committee have contacted us – Lords refused siting of statue)
3.4b Bro. Marris spoke on the EDM on US Raids on Iraqi trade unions. The need for free trade unions in Iraq is vital. He encouraged local unions to assist where possible. It was reported that Bro. Sourani was due for a heart operation. BEST WISHES WERE CONVEYED BY DELEGATES.
3.4d Bro. Marris also signed EDM on Gangmasters prior to the Morecambe tragedy
3.5 Re-affiliations AGREED: TUCND £12, ACTSA £35, Abortion Rights £25, TU Friends of Searchlight £35, W.Mids Low Pay Unit £20, and W.MIDS CND £5
3.6 Midlands TUC: a) Monday 15th March daytime Bescott stadium “Fighting Racism through the ballot box” conference
3.6b International Women’s Day event B’ham now 8th MAY – has been put on our website
3.7a AGREED affiliate to Unite Against Fascism, £20
3.11 Trinity Training Services – request for speaker raised with delegates
3.12 Birmingham TUC – Sat 6th March Women’s reception 5-7pm & 7pm+ Cuba night Bread & Roses
3.14 All magazines & newsletters received, were circulated to delegates
3.21 Electoral Reform Society analysis of Burnley BNP results – Bro.Deacon to analyse.
3.22 BCUIM lunchtime talk-programme and invite to Bishop speaking on budget day 17th March on “Work and the Economy”
3.23 Wolverhampton Cuba Solidarity AGM Thurs 26th Feb Newhampton pub – Agreed re-affiliation
3.24 Hazards H&S conference 2004 16-18 July delegate form available
3.26 Wolverhampton Unemployment “Claimant Count” Dec 2003 down by 6 to 6,018 current rate of unemployment for Borough 5.9%. West Midlands 5.7%. national rate 2.4%

4. Elections:
Vice-President – Paul Kalinauekas Amicus 0758, nominated by Amicus Craft – ELECTED

5. Reports:
a) Secretary’s written report was circulated. Verbal report of successful Holocaust Memorial Day. Workers for festivals needed this summer. We have been reliant on same people for last couple of seasons.

b) CYWU national strike update – 87% support for industrial action in national ballot for pay rise and opposing reduction in JNC qualifications for youth workers. Pickets planned March 5th Wolverhampton & Bilston. WB&DTUC banner to be taken. Need support on pickets as 1st strike for many. Info on our website. Will also text out info.

c) FBU – Steve Godward victory update – his final appeal at the Deputy PM’s office was successful. No response on re-instatement from WM Fire Service – they appear to be questioning John Prescott’s authority. There is now a threat of strike ballot since FBU Conference agreed to back sacked strikers. The Fire Authority refused the W.Mids CATUC nomination of Bro.Godward – appeal is awaited. Bro.Kelleher has passed on latest info to W.Mids CATUC.

d) GMB Landrover – Bro.Evans gave a report from the Stewards’ Committee. Dispute running since October – parity sought with Jaguar workers. 6.5% over 2 years and joint statement rejected by 82%. Told final offer, 70% voted for overtime ban and withdrawal of flexi-work. Management refused to negotiate so 7,000 workers went out on two 1-day strikes.
Today’s ballot received a 65% acceptance of a revised management offer. Problems are expected in the future.

e) NATFHE Leicester – a NATFHE striker and UNISON colleague came from Leicester to report on the 3 weeks of all out strike. Sis.Logan compared similar attempts to implement working practice agreements at her college to those reported at Landrover. New contracts were being issued to new starters and through restructures. 120 had been out together on pickets out of 180 strikers. Resisting attempts to suspend strikes before any negotiations. CWU is refusing to cross picket.
Mon. 23rd Day of Action. £100 AGREED and info to be circulated and put on website.

f) Stop the War group – national demo 20th march AGREED to book coach if enough interest.

g) Palestine group – AGREED send £100 to PSC as proceeds of last summer’s garden party.

6. Speaker: ALAN WEAVER, MIDLANDS TUC ON THE UNITE AGAINST FASCISM CAMPAIGN & TUC is heavily involved, uniting groups under a broad umbrella, many activities will be in London.
Anti-BNP leafleting in Sandwell announced.
Conference in B’ham 3rd April, details not fully available yet. May 21st TUC rally B’ham.
Campaigning activity discussed. Need CRE Statement of Commitment for elections.
Ex-BNP national Chair now Freedom Party leader, chaired meeting at Ounsdale School recently. Labour, Lib Dem., Tories, Greens & Socialist Party believed to have shared platform.
BNP published election campaign for Walsall.
East Midlands now reliant on immigrant labour in low paid jobs, as in 50s & 60s.
Bro.Davis to supply Secretary with recent BNP leaflet received.
Racist letters are repeatedly appearing in the Ex&Star and need to be countered. Bigots are jamming radio phone-ins.
Need leaflet on asylum myths. Need to involve quickly “recruits” from HMDay.
Need to set date for anti-racist sub-committee

7. Any Other Business – none

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