February 07

Secretary’s Report February 2007
Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC info@wolvestuc.org.uk

TU branches already affiliated for 2007 (11,500 trade unionists):
Amicus 3210M, ASLEF, Community(Hall Palm), CWU(W.Mids & Worcs), NASUWT, NUT, TGWU 5/748, TGWU 5/836, UCU City College, UCU University, UNISON General, UNISON PCT. Other branches have been contacted more than once
– please follow up your branch if it is not on this list.

Vic Dunthorne anti-fascist veteran of 1936 Battle of Cable Street, injected some welcome political reality into this year’s Wolverhampton Holocaust Memorial Day, (85 attended, WB&DTUC laid a wreath)

2007 WB&DTUC officers elected at AGM: President: Dave Cole (NUT) Secretary: Nick Kelleher (UNISON)
Vice-President: Marie Taylor (TGWU-CYWU), Treasurer: John Grant (UCU) Assistant Secretary: Marion Halfpenny (NUT) Auditor: Ade Turner (UNISON) there are a number of vacancies on the EC.

CND and Stop the War Coalition National Demonstration, Saturday 24th February central London, assemble 12 noon

coach leaves Falkland Street Coach Park 8am tickets £10/£5 07952647479
It is vital that all groups mobilise for this demonstration; the timing has been determined by the parliamentary agenda set by Blair. The vote on Trident takes place in early March.

At February’s delegate meeting we will be electing a delegate to the 2007 Trades Union Councils’ Conference in Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
Saturday 19 May, finishing at 2.30pm on Sunday 20 May 2007.
As Secretary, I have attended for a number of years. I announced at the AGM that I thought it time for someone else to go, perhaps someone who hasn’t been to a conference? But whoever it is as I said in my annual report, when people go to conferences we need good report backs with action for our trades council arising from the conferences identified where appropriate.
Childcare available
Open to WB&DTUC delegates – there are reports of previous conferences on our website which should explain a bit about what it is about. It is a good opportunity to meet people from other trades councils and see what they do and how they organise. There are motions and debate and workshops to decide the priorities for trades councils in the coming year (TUCJCC Programme of Work). Don’t be daunted it’s fairly informal and welcoming and should be good up in Newcastle. WB&DTUC pays travel and hotel costs from our funds.

NHS Together National Day of Action Saturday 3rd March 2007
Birmingham 12 noon, Victoria Square, outside Council House
highlighting privatisation, fragmentation and redundancies will be a set of regional events.
Make your voice heard!! Supported by all unions

2007 Festivals: volunteer bar workers: Glastonbury – names already submitted.
Leeds 22-26 August need names by April 12th

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