February 08

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC                   Secretary’s  Report        info@wolvestuc.org.uk    www.wolvestuc.org.uk                    February 2008 

Affiliated branches 2008
ASLEF, Community(Hall Palm), CWU (Wolverhampton), NUT, POA, UNISON General, UNISON Health, UNISON Healthcare PCT, UNITE 5/998, UNITE 3210M, UNITE-CYWU, UNITE 5/748
Welcome back to the POA who have re-affiliated after several years

Still to re-affiliate this year– please raise with your branches:
ASPECT,  ATL CWU (W.Mids & Worcs), FBU, GMB X13, NASUWT, UCU City College, UCU University, UNISON University, UNITE 0558,  UNITE  5/836,

TUC shop stewards courses Stage 1 & Stage 2, & H&S – local venue
Run by WEA  0121 666 6101 to book April courses

APPEAL for HELP re WEBSITE www.wolvestuc.org.uk – I can no longer update it, (though the site is still on the web) – it appears the computer code the site was designed with is no longer fully compatible with the webhost. It needs to be completely redesigned – has anyone got experience with Dreamweaver or Frontpage software who could help initially?

Any suggestions for this year’s May Day event, speakers, entertainment? Contact me if you would like to help this year’s Committee.
report by Sis Taylor, WB&DTUC Vice –President:
Wolverhampton Together Steering Group Meeting
Both Sis Halfpenny and myself attended the steering group meeting on 31st January 2008.  Sis. Welch was also in attendance, as were representatives from the Labour, Conservative and Liberal groups of the Council as well as from faith groups and the Indian Workers Association.
The Trade Union representatives did stress the fact that we were disappointed that it had taken six months from the initial meeting to call the steering group together.  It was emphasised that this work had to be more than knee jerk reactions at election time to be effective in challenging the BNP and fascism in Wolverhampton.  The Councillors tended to see things in terms of electoral success and Sis Halfpenny strongly challenged them about the number of votes polled being significant.  The work of Wolverhampton TUC in the last local elections was acknowledged.  
No one present had any intelligence of any BNP activity in the City currently.  No one had knowledge that they would be fielding any candidates in the forthcoming local elections.  The representatives pointed out that this was possibly due to splits in the BNP at the moment and that we should not be complacent.
It was agreed that we needed to continue to monitor BNP activity and act strategically.  It was agreed that a proactive campaign to promote diversity and community cohesion was necessary.  It was agreed that challenge to the BNP was necessary and Trade Union representatives promoted the Searchlight approach.  This was emphasised by a priest from Walsall who joined the meeting and basically stated the same thing based on Walsall Together experience. 
Councillor Andrew Johnson was to bring back to the next meeting logo and funding opportunities to develop a programme at the next meeting.  We emphasised Holocaust Memorial Day, May Day and City Show.
The next meeting has been arranged for March 13th 2008 at 7.00pm

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