February 2015

 Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council

Delegate Meeting Minutes 19 February 2015


1. Welcome and Introductions to delegates and visitors plus apologies: Present – Sis Taylor(UNITE-CYW), Halfpenny (NUT), Dixon (UNISON), Bros Kelleher, Deacon, (UNISON Gen), J Grant (UCU)

Apologies Sis Battell (NASUWT),Elson (PCS), Whyte (UNISON) Bros Juss (GMB), Rahimi & Marris, (UNITE), S.Grant & Cole (NUT), Turner (UNISON Gen), Thomas (Community)

NB Bro Thomas in Compton Hospice Rm 14 – sent card. All were welcomed and introduced.


2. Minutes of Meeting: 18th December 2014 agreed. Matters Arising: 4) Sis Dixon contacted Bro Keheller too late for Women’s Committee but with Sis Dixon’s agreement to send in a late nomination.


3. Executive Committee Report and Correspondence:


A1) Concern regarding the number of affiliations received to date from ASLEF, NUT, UCATT, UNISON University, UNITE-CYW WM 7697, UNITE WM6150, UNITE WM6151, and Community 17000 many outstanding

A2) Midlands TUC Fair pay Fortnight February 16th to March 1st – pay has dropped by £4,000 since 2009, see website http://fairpayfortnight.org/

A3) Saturday 28th March, Derby, Pride Park, Midlands Annual Trades Council Conference – 2 delegates needed. We can send motions. Agreed Sis Dixon to be delegate.

A4) Inaugural Mary McArthur lecture by Frances O’Grady Friday 6th March, 7o’clock, Blackheath Coronation Club, Rowley Regis very limited places contact Michelle Kesterton

A5) Leeds TUC Fracking pamphlet circulated. Bro Grant looking at it

A7) Bert Turner and West Midlands Pension Fund contacted regarding Israeli investment. Some people had replies. Discussion followed regarding ethical investment policy.Agreed to seek advice but Turner’s letter does not say this. UNISON paying Palestinian Liberation Campaign to do some work. Disinvestment acting on views of pension fund members if enough raise the issue. The argument is that what companies are doing in Israel is illegal, and therefore the pension fund should disinvest in them. Malcolm Cantello is a Trade union rep on the board. Sis Taylor to ‘feed’ to UNITE reps to attend meetings regarding these issues.

A9) Hope Not Hate re anti UKIP campaigning locally. Bro Kelleher to contact Labour party agents to see if they wish to use these leaflets. Hope Not Hate want a Wolverhampton meeting. Possible date and venues were discussed. Bro Kelleher to liaise with Hope Not Hate and investigate possible leaflets and posters of area. Bro Marris to be contacted and the Labour Party to be informed of plans

A10) last year we received the magazine from Liberation free. Agreed following EC recommendation to affiliate £30

A21) £500 TUC special fund available for joint campaigns. Public Services Campaigning possibility with Birmingham subcommittee of trades council for joint anti health cuts campaigning.

B} Future Speakers- John Harris photographer at miners’ strike to speak at March meeting. Use Council Chamber and open up meeting. John Harris will use a digital presentation. It was agreed that a LED projector be purchased for £105. Films can be an effective of building relationships. Bro Keheller to store projector at home

C} May 1st – 2 new sites for festival http://www.1stmaywolverhampton.org.uk/

https://www.facebook.com/1stmaywolverhampton Thatcher’s Love Child performing – punk! Waiting responses from Transit Trix. Possible speakers discussed – Sue Brierly UNITE.

D} Tuesday 28th April Workers’ Memorial Day – UCATT and Bro Marris to speak.

4. Elections:

a] other members of Executive Committee including Green Officer and Publicity Officer. No nominations – The Executive meets week before delegate meeting at Bro Kelleher’s house. Take this back to branches for nominations

b] Trades Union Council Annual Conference delegate needed at Crewe 12th to 14th June, agreed bro Kelleher.

c] West Midlands Trade Union Councils Joint Consultative Committee representative Bro Kelleher nominated and agreed.

5. Reports:

a] UNISON council cuts- £123 million cuts to close funding gap now £134 million. £88 million identified. No Trade Union talks yet. 800 voluntary redundancies more than 1300 in last 2 years. 1 person per week is sacked on sickness monitoring. There are a lot more disciplinaries. Street wardens jobs are going despite campaign. 2010 to 2015 82% cuts by government.

b] other delegates workplace reports- none

c] Secretary’s report- Saturday 21st March Stand up to Racism in London. 7.15 coach from Falkland Street, Wolverhampton. Donation of £100 towards cost of coach. UNITE’s DSG workers who spoke at last meeting have suspended their week of strike action at the end of January to ballot on an improved offer of a one off £1,250 bonus. Tuesday 3rd march 7pm Dudley TUC, Lamp Tavern, High Street, Dudley – Fords Dagenham speaker Sis Cohen and Bro Barron Midlands TUC Regional Secretary. Dudley Anti EDL rally- was attended by at least 3 our delegates. the whole of Dudley closed off with police barricades. About 500 EDL in High Street for their national mobilisation. Good bands, speakers. Dudley Trades council had organised the event well. It had a ‘good feel’. Send message to Dudley trades Council congratulating them on this. NK. Old tree Nursery– 2 Workers offered jobs out of 10 so far. Council in talks for a housing association to take over the site. Still to see outcome. Sis Dixon has been at meetings with workers.

d] meeting held regarding West Midlands County Association of Trades Union Councils with local TUCs and Midlands Regional TUC- Bro Barron understand point as the association does not generate any activity. There is no organisation across the county. What would we organise across such a large area? Other areas have 2 representatives on the Regional Council. Bro Barron wondered if the Association could be split into smaller groupings e.g. Black Country Association. There will be 12 months to make the status quo work. Minuters and reports need to be presented to all members. Bro Barron will assist the County Association to try and achieve this. Pay affiliation fee.



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