January 2013 AGM



MINUTES of 149th Annual General Meeting  17th January 2013



Welcome & Introductions

Present:  Sis Taylor (CYWU/Unite) Astley & Elson (PCS)

Bros Kelleher, Turner, Deacon, Everall (UNISON)  Marris & Purchase (UNITE 5/836) Cole (NUT) J.Grant (UCU) Childs (CWU) O’Sullivan(UCU)

Apologies:  Bros Juss (GMB) Rahimi(UNITE), Grant (NUT)

Sis Sagoo, Ceresa, Sharkey (UNISON Gen) Kelsey (CWU)  Halfpenny (NUT)




Minutes of AGM 19/1/12 Agreed a true record, no matters arising.




Presidential Address – printed in annual report







a)  President – Marie Taylor

b)  Secretary – Nick Kelleher

c)  Treasurer – John Grant

d)   Vice-President – Vacant

e)  Minutes Secretary – Vacant

f)  Publicity Officer – Vacant

g)  Other members of Executive Committee –  Jayne Ceresa, Sylvia Sharkey.

Vacancies on agenda for next meeting          

h)  Auditor Bro. Turner

i)  LGBT TUC Observer – 5/6th July – Vacant

j)  Women’s TUC Observer – 14-16th March – Debbie Elson PCS

k)  Black Workers TUC Observer – Suresh Reshnangsam and Warinder Juss both attending from their unions and offered to give reports.


l)   Disability TUC –

m) WM County Association of TUC –4 vacancies

TUC Annual Conference – London 1-2nd June  – Vacancy



Anti Cuts Campaign




Speakers –

Halesowen 4 UCU

Rachel, one of the four sacked UCU Halesowen Maths lecturers spoke of her ordeal.

UCU branch secretary David Muritu was sacked before Xmas with three other Maths lecturers, also all active in UCU college lecturer’s’ union were sacked after the Xmas break. [A 5th lecturer who was also threatened but was not in UCU was not sacked.]

Several consultants had been brought into the department over previous two years to continually assess staff.

They were proved to be good teachers by these reports but were expected to teach two classes at once on occasions and non-Maths cover for several long-term absences which impacted on students’ performance.

Their dismissal letters stated they were dismissed not for gross misconduct and that they were regarded as good teachers. Due to pupil under-performance they were being sacked without use of any capability procedure.

New teachers had started before the hearings had taken place.

Brian O’Sulivan regional UCU Chair reported that over 100 had attended a public meeting a few days before and an amazing 11,000 had sgined the online petition, demonstrating superb labour movement support for the union’s campaign.

UCU stall 11am Saturday 19th January Halesowen town centre

Thursday 24th January 1pm rally outside Halesowen College in support of David Muritu whose appeal is being heard.

Saturday 26th January UCU national demonstration in support of the four sacked UCU lecturers, outside Halesowen College assemble 9.30am for 10.45am march, coincides with the College’s open-day.  Transport agreed to be organised by WB&DTUC and UCU locally contact Nick Kelleher/Adam Dwight

The UCU’s Strike ballot now open and will be concluded by 25th January

£100 was donated by WB&DTUC for the UCU’s strike/hardship fund

 There followed an interesting and wide ranging debate.

Speakers were presented with a WB&DTUC History.
















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