Secretary’s Report July 2007
Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC
Welcome to the ATL which affiliated this month for the first time. 20 TU branches affiliated for 2007 (16,000 trade unionists), our largest affiliation for 7 years:
Amicus 0558, Amicus 3210M, ASLEF, ASPECT, ATL, Community(Hall Palm), CWU (Wolverhampton), CWU (W.Mids & Worcs), CYWU-TGWU, FBU, GMB X13, NASUWT, NUT, TGWU 5/748, TGWU 5/836, TGWU 5/998, UCU City College, UCU University, UNISON General, UNISON PCT, UNISON University
Belfast Delegation Thursday 9th – Sunday 12th August, unique opportunity to see the reality of life post-opening of the new Northern Ireland Assembly. Judge, free from media interference, the views of nationalist people living in Belfast, visit community and cultural groups, West Belfast Community Festival, Annual March and Rally.
Troops Out Movement 0121 773 8683 or 0797 017 4167
Thurs July 19th WB&DTUC delegate/PSC meeting, 8pm Civic Centre speaker Dr Andrew Rouse on medical tour of Gaza & Hebron
annual Cuba garden party this year is;
SATURDAY 21st JULY 2pm till late
REAL ALE – CUBAN COCKTAILS – GOOD FOOD you’ll need money to buy drinks.
Sunday 2nd September Burston Strike School Rally longest strike in British history – in Norfolk to – commemorate the Burston School Strike. Coach from Coventry
Sat. 15th Sept Chainmakers’ Festival, Black Country Living Museum – cheap entry for trade unionists.
TONY BENN TO SPEAK aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and campaign stories for trade unionists and community campaigners in the midlands. TUC Regional Secretary’s blog:
War on Democracy A Film by John Pilger
Fri 20 – Tues 24 July 7.45pm, Wed 25 July 2.15pm & 7.45pm, Thurs 26 July 7.45pm with a debate led by the Venuezuela Solidarity Campaign after the screening on Thurs 26 July
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