July 2009

 Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council

Thursday 16th July 2009
ATTENDANCE:  Sisters: Halfpenny (NUT), Taylor (CYWU /UNITE)
Brothers:  Kelleher (UNISON), Childs (CWU), Clarke (POA), Rahimi (UNITE), Cole (NUT), Deacon (UNISON observer), Turner (UNISON)
Apologies:  Sis: Ceresa (UNISON), Brealey (UNISON) Kelsey (CWU)   Bros: Hardacre (ASPECT), Marris (UNITE), Bostock (POA), Marriot (UNISON), Muir (CYWU-UNITE), Grant (UCU), Juss (GMB)
1. INTRODUCTIONS:  Delegates were welcomed and introduced themselves.  Apologies given.
2. THE MINUTES  MEETING  of 18th  JUNE were agreed to be a true record.
Matters Arising:  6(b) Written report circulated of the Trades Union Councils Annual Conference.  There were fewer delegates 60 rather than 100, 3 years ago. The silver badge for Brother Grant‘s long service it was minuted as still being made!!  All the motions were passed. TUC had done nothing since the last conference in response to conference motions.  In the past there had been a comment.  Motion last year on MPs expenses not taken up!! The motion on unemployed centres is going to TUC conference but no one from trades councils is allowed to speak on it. There was a No2EU rally on the eve of conference. There is money from the Co-op party for events.  There is TUC training for YouTube videos.
3b) There was an Executive Committee 09.07.09.   1a) Need to send letter re. Carphone Warehouse dispute 1b) Need to send letter re. Scrutiny panels    1d)  Donation for Burston Strike School Rally to be sent.  
5) Discussed future possible speakers.
Brother Kelleher to investigate insurance for leafleters following dog bite.   Wolverhampton Compact – Sister Taylor to look at re voluntary sector.  Walsall Garden party for Palestine 19.07.09
a) Secretary’s report – If anyone can join the demonstration 18.07.09  re Carphone Warehouse notify Brother Kelleher. There has been a lack of publicity for the Chainmakers’ Festival 12.09.09.  Brother Cole will circulate posters. Wolverhampton Trades Council website is again working: www.wolvestuc.org.uk
 Also Wolverhampton TUC is on Facebook. Successful Shrewsbury 24 demonstration (will be annual) 
b) CWU Carphone Warehouse Demonstration 11.30am 18.07.09 at Wednesbury 
c) POA trade union rights- Birmingham prison anti-privatisation.   The trade unions were not invited to join in with plans; the meeting will be updated in September as to progress.
d) UNISON and CYWU-UNITE council cuts update – councillors saying too many managers in Local Authority; there should be no more than 6 tiers of management. So layers of management are being removed. Section 188 notice for redundancies in 300 jobs.  There are now 95 volunteers but some not accepted due to cost.  Workers are not getting clear information from the council. The council has a reserve of £29 million. There may be compulsory redundancies. The unions could push forward a campaign on the cost of outside consultants.
e) Other Delegates workplace reports- none
5. Speaker: Nick Kelleher report on the Hope Not Hate conference on the future of anti-fascist campaigning and discussion
A paper was tabled ‘The Way Forward for Anti- fascist work’ which was developed from the organisers meeting in Birmingham 11.07.09.   For a future campaign photographs are needed of main attractions in wards.  Delegates to try to do this in their own wards. Adrian Turner will contact Wolves FC to ask why no ‘Kick Racism out of Football’ posters for this/next season.   There was further discussion about the demonstration against the Red, White and Blue Festival at Codnor and who was stewarding it.  The delegates thanked Nick for his report and tireless hard work.
6. ANY OTHER BUSINESS – none.  The meeting closed at 8.45pm 

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