July 2014

WB&DTUC Secretary’s Report July 2014


10th July national 2 million strong strike by FBU, UNISON, PCS, UNITE, GMB and the NUT. Strike strong locally. 150 attended Wolverhampton rally. Speakers: Chris Morrison PCS nat exec, Stuart Grant Wolverhampton NUT secretary, Pardeep Raw FBU, Adrian Turner secretary Wolverhampton UNISON & Nick Kelleher WB&DTUC

Firefighters union FBU will be striking 14-21st July see www.wolvestuc.org.uk for details – please visit picket lines to show solidarity. The Fire Brigades Union has been in negotiations with the government for three years in an attempt to avoid the implementation of proposals that they say would see firefighters paying more, working longer and receiving less.


UNION REPRESENTATIVES STAGE 1 ten x Mondays course in Wolverhampton from Monday 22 September contact mikee@shrewsbury.ac.uk Tel: 01743 342531


Britain needs a pay rise – TUC demonstrations:


Sunday 28 September Demonstrate at Tory conference march and rally at the Conservative Party Conference Birmingham


Saturday 18 October TUC mass demonstration in London under the banner of Britain Needs a Pay Rise. We have booked a coach from Wolverhampton

Report of our delegate to Trades Union Councils’ Conference 2014 see www.wolvestuc.org.uk

People’s Assembly national demonstration London 21st June – Two Black Country coaches went 50,000 there Russell Brand, Owen Jones, Francesca Martinez, Len McClusky, Christine Blower all spoke


1st May event, £267 of £1,360 still to raise – further requests have been sent out, please make cheques payable to “Wolverhampton May Day Committee”


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