June 07

Secretary’s Report June 2007
Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC info@wolvestuc.org.uk

Welcome to the new branches that affiliated this month. 20 TU branches affiliated for 2007 (15,550 trade unionists), our largest affiliation for 7 years:
Amicus 0558, Amicus 3210M, ASLEF, ASPECT, Community(Hall Palm), CWU (Wolverhampton), CWU (W.Mids & Worcs), CYWU-TGWU, FBU, GMB X13, NASUWT, NUT, TGWU 5/748, TGWU 5/836, TGWU 5/998, UCU City College, UCU University, UNISON General, UNISON PCT, UNISON University

RALLY AND DEMO Saturday 23 June 2007, 12 noon until 2.30pm
JUSTICE FOR REFUGEES AND ASYLUM SEEKERS! AMNESTY FOR ALL! NO DEPORTATIONS! Outside Birmingham Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham

Stop the War demonstration in Manchester on Sunday 24 June must ensure that the anti-war voice of the vast majority in Britain is not excluded on the day Gordon Brown becomes party leader at a special Labour conference. In the latest poll, only 11 percent of people in this country support the war in Iraq and a debate is clearly happening within the Labour Party over the question of bringing the troops home. Birmingham TUC Coach, £12 waged £6 unwaged,  0777 594 2841 to book a seat.
8.15 am Sutton Coldfield bus terminus, 8.30 am St Barnabas Church High St Erdington,. 8.45 am Handsworth College Soho Road Handsworth,. 9.00 am Carrs Lane Church City Centre. Return from Manchester at 5 pm

Sat.7th July, London National Shop Stewards Network founding conference, called by RMT, supported by most major unions., follows on from 2 previous national gatherings see www.shopstewards.net for details.

annual Troops Out Movement Delegation Thursday 9th – Sunday 12th August
is a unique opportunity for people to see for themselves the reality of life in Belfast. This year’s visit will be three months after the opening of the new Northern Ireland Assembly. What are the changes and views of the people whose lives are directly affected? You will be able to judge, free from media interference, the views of nationalist people living in Belfast. Visit community and cultural groups, participate in the West Belfast Community Festival, take part in the Annual March and Rally. If you are interested in going to Belfast 0121 773 8683 or 0797 017 4167

Tolpuddle 14/15 July, Dorset, annual TU festival excellent Sunday line-up camping available

Thurs July 19th WB&DTUC delegate/PSC meeting, 8pm Civic Centre speaker Dr Andrew Rouse on medical tour of Gaza & Hebron

Burston Strike School Rally longest strike in British history – Sunday September 2nd in Norfolk to – commemorate the Burston School Strike. In 1914, schoolteachers, Tom and Kitty Higdon were sacked and the schoolchildren 66 out 72 went on strike, refused to attend the state school and started their own independent school, which continued until 1939. www.burstonstrikeschool.org Coach from Coventry

Chainmakers’ Festival Sat. 15th Sept, Black Country Living Museum – cheap entry for trade unionists, TONY BENN TO SPEAK

TUC is calling on people who have experienced exploitation at work to call a freephone number (0800 072 0010) open from 31 May to 6 June to tell their story, or to report their experiences by post or via the web: www.vulnerableworkers.org.uk
http://www.snc.ac.uk/ballstopoverty/ amicus footballs to South Africa campaign
www.wolvestuc.org.uk our website is getting 30 visitors a day on average

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