June 08

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC                   Secretary’s  Report        info@wolvestuc.org.uk    www.wolvestuc.org.uk                    JUNE  2008 

Class Words – over 40 pages of socialist songs & poems, now available £3 from WB&DTUC (published by Worcester TUC)
Tolpuddle 18-20 July – TUC leaflet circulated

Ask your boss for a free eye test     (TUC leaflet enclosed)
More than a third of workers are unaware of their legal right to a free eye test, while some are too afraid to ask their boss, according to a report
A survey of 2,100 adults by the College of Optometrists showed that one in five were “uncomfortable” about asking their employer for an eye examination.
Two thirds had never asked for an eye test, with 7% saying there was “no point” because their boss would refuse. Dr Rob Hogan, president of the College of Optometrists, said: “While computers may not damage your eyesight, they can make already existing problems more uncomfortable. This can include making it difficult to focus or concentrate or causing headaches, blurriness or tiredness. If you work at a computer, you’re entitled to ask your employer to provide an eye examination free of charge, and people shouldn’t feel uncomfortable or afraid about asking.  If you need glasses to work at the computer, your employer is also obliged to help you towards costs.”

Stop the BNP demo Sat 21st June         £5 Unwaged, £10 Waged 
Coach for demo from Wolves  Faulkland Street Coach Park  8:00am

Public Sector Conference called by Bham TUC, CWU, GMB, NUT, PCS, UCU, UNISON, UNITE Tuesday 24th June 7.30pm Birmingham Council House, Victoria Sq.

22 Affiliated branches 2008 (18,600 affiliated trade unionists)
ASLEF, ASPECT,  ATL, CWU (W.Mids & Worcs), Community(Hall Palm), CWU (Wolverhampton), FBU, GMB X13, NASUWT, NUT, POA, UCU (City College), UNISON General, UNISON Health, UNISON Healthcare PCT UNISON University, UNITE 0758M,  UNITE  5/836, UNITE 5/998, UNITE 3210M, UNITE-CYWU, UNITE 5/748                                not affiliated this year: UCU University
There will be a motion put to this month’s delegate meeting from the NUT with regard to the 50th anniversary of the Cuban revolution 

Additional speaker at 19th June WB&DTUC delegate meeting
as we send out this mailing we received a letter from a local young Unite – Amicus member (John Millington) about the government’s 42-day internment plans. He has agreed to come and speak to the trades council this week to put the case against and encourage a debate.

July 17th delegate meeting speaker confirmed as Di McDonald (& Carol Naughton?) Weapons of Mass Destruction Awareness Programme, showing Deadly Cargo about Trident transportation through Britain.  They are providing cheese & wine.

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