June 2012


MINUTES OF Delegate MEETING 21st June2012


Present: Sis Taylor (CYWU/Unite), Ceresa (UNISON Gen),

Bro. Retnasingham (UNITE Legal/Finance), Parker (PCS), Everall, Kelleher  (UNISON Gen), Baynham (UNITE 0758M), Childs (CWU) Marris & Purchase (UNITE 5/836), Jackson (UNISON Police)

Apologies: Bros, J.Grant (UCU), S.Grant & Cole (NUT), Rahimi (UNITE 0758M), Turner & Deacon (UNISON Gen), Bostock (POA).   

Sis  Harrison (UNISON Police), Crawford (TUC),Parish (TUC), Halfpenny (NUT), May, Brealey, Sharkey (UNISON Gen.), Elson (PCS), Kelsey (CWU)


Minutes of May 2012 delegate meeting.  Agreed a true record , matters arising:

a)      Details of possible text services identified

b)      2 more chapters of WB&DTUC History have been proof read by Bro G.Taylor

c)      TUC’s Pasty Tax campaign caused a U-turn by the government.

Choose Youth/CYWU/Youth Council Sat 22 Sept Springfield Youth centre. Bros. Kelleher & S.Grant to run workshops – donations needed to “Wolverhampton Youth Council”


 Executive Committee report June 14th 2012


a)      2012 Affiliations from UNISON Acute Health, UCU College, UCU University. Affiliations to follow up: Musicians’ union, UNITE Banks, TSSA, NAPO, RMT, PCS (CPS)

b)      Two young Nicaraguan trade unionists June 25th are in Wolverhampton and will be having an informal meeting with trade unionists at 4.30pm in the Civic Centre Briefing room 1. (all welcome!)

c)      Positive response from Workers Beer Company re low allocation of workers to trade union councils; six months after. 

d)      WBCo. 3 places offered to us for Latitude festival 12-15 July, Suffolk

e)      Complaint from Sis Petford discussed re national Hope Not Hate competition – response agreed to Sis Petford but no further action.

f)       UNITE 3120M and 0758M closures – agreed to write to UNITE to seek confirmation of whom the former delegates from these branches to our TUC are representing.

g)      Crane H&S law de-regulation consultation & UCATT campaign – leaflet circulated

h)      Birmingham Anti-Academies Alliance newspaper – could easily be adapted for Wolverhampton use

i)       Birmingham TUC minutes & Taking the Gloves off Fri 22 & Sat 23 June –on website

j)       £41.82 sales of our merchandise at Chainmakers, online and at TUC H&S course

k)      Stop the War financial appeal EC recommended £25 – agreed 5:1 vote

l)       Searchlight re-affiliation request £30 EC recommended  – agreed unanimously

m)    UNISON Region rejection of request for financial help for our anti-bnp campaign.  The local NUT has sought a national anti-fascist grant to cover the costs for us.

n)      Unity Trust Bank – Trades Union Council insurance brochure –quote has been sought

1.      Future speakers: to send invites to: Jason Hill new TUCJCC midlands rep & Cnllr Roger Lawrence and invite to UNITE speaker – July

2.       1st May event £860, raised of £1400 costs including donation from Sis Ceresa in memory of relative who died due to asbestos; EC recommended £200 donation from WB&DTUC was AGREED unanimously


Resolution; Anti-Academies Alliance affiliation

We note the government’s Academies programme and the passing of the Education and Inspections Bill 2006 which makes provision for Trust schools.

We oppose the creation of Academies and Trust schools because:

They are not democratically accountable. The sponsor appoints the majority of governors and controls the school’s curriculum. Ownership of the schools buildings and grounds are transferred to the private sponsor. They break up the family of local schools.

They create more selection. Academies and Trust schools set their own admissions policy. As former Secretary of State for Education Estelle Morris put it, “Show me a school which has changed its admissions policy to attract more children from poor backgrounds with uncooperative parents.”

They reinforce competition based on school league tables. This will further divide schools into winners and losers, and add to the segregation of students on the basis of race and class.

Academies are outside the maintained sector of schools and so they are not bound by education law that protects the rights of students and parents.

Academies also set their own pay and conditions outside of national frameworks.

We resolve to affiliate to the Anti Academies Alliance at £40 per year 

 passed unanimously.  AAA were invited to attend.


a)     PCS strike Monday 25 June over work conditions and against privatisation – pickets @ Deansgate 7am

b)     NUT ballot over workload ends Sept 6th.

c)     Joint union pensions industrial action campaign – UNISON L.Govt. to ballot on new scheme, NUT & NASUWT possible joint strike action in autumn. Agreed to send letter to BMA who also took action over pensions since they are also victim of pension cuts and privatisation.

d)     UNISON – massive threat to terms and conditions by council to offset gains of low paid women workers under Single Status. Strike expected if weekend, overtime, shift & night allowance cut. 3 in 10 set to lose under Single Status pay re-grading.

e)     UNISON Police staff anti-privatisation campaign with UNITE has proved successful so far when the planned decision to privatise on 24 May was set back. Lincolnshire has privatised. No decision taken on May 24 re local police staff privatisation. Cnllr Bob Jones is LP candidate for Police commissioner public election next November. Agreed to send congratulations to both branches.

f)      Secretary’s report: Chainmakers – around 1,000 came with several hundred on march from unveiling. Perhaps still ambitious a format for numbers attending but much better turnout and much greater success than last year. Had a stall and sold some of our merchandise and was helped by Morning Star supporters on the stall.

g)     Demo against Tories Birmingham Sunday October 7thset up local facebook event, produce more flags – leaflets distributed at meeting.

h)     TUC London demo For a Future that Works – Sat Oct 20th; agreed to book a coach – have one quote £600. No central London drop-offs, single route from Embankment will mean large part of demo will never get to Hyde park as previously; will need to use tube again -leaflets distributed at meeting.

i)       TUC Local Organiser – Community Activist training on Saturday 21stJuly from 9.30 – 4pm at the Wolverhampton Youth Council offices, Bond Street; sharing ideas and experiences around campaigning + free lunch.

j)       Palestine Solidarity Campaign £29 was pledged by individual delegates for Bro.Auger’s sponsored walk for PSC.


Speaker on Trades Union Council conference Sis Taylor reported that the WMids CATUC motion remitted regarding direct representation at Regional TUCs. Many regions already have such rules, even where CATUCs exist. Thanks recorded to our delegate; she also produced a written report which is on our website.


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