March 2002

WB&DTUC Minutes of Delegate meeting 21-3-02

Attendance: Bros. D Joynson, N Kelleher, P Davis, B Deacon, D Ash, Sis. M Taylor.

1. Apologies: Bros. S Murphy MEP, D Turner MP, Sis. S Sagoo.
1a. Election for remaining EC places. Bro. P Davis elected to EC.

2. Minutes of February delegate meeting, Matters Arising.
Agreed a true and accurate record 3.1. GATS conf. Bro. Brackenridge gave a verbal report.
1. Bro. Grant replied to Get Well Soon card, with note of thanks, had hoped to attend tonight.
3.2. Press release delayed, Secretary wishes to link up figures with anti-fascist material.
3.7. Awards for all. Sis, Taylor reported no progress has been made, although she suggested maybe money could be used for training purposes (Womens’ aid – domestic violence). Bro. Deacon stated that a lot of time will be needed to carry out a project to completion.
3.9. Speakers. Satpal Ram campaign – Secretary has contacted, awaiting reply.
3.10. Workers’ Memorial Day. See Secretary’s report.
4. Friction Dynamics. Secretary traveling with others to Caernarfon 25th May.

3. Executive Committee (14-03-02) – cancelled.
3.1. REC meeting 15th March.
3.2. B’ham May Day Defence Campaign, £25 cheque returned with letter of thanks.
3.3. Employment Bill Rights Campaign letters for delegates from B’ham TUC, completed and forwarded via Secretary.
3.5. Reclaim Our Rights! Re-affiliation £25 agreed.
3.6. British Pensioner affiliation £20 agreed, to invite to take stall at May Day rally.
3.8. CND London demo Sat 30th March. Transport available from B’ham CND Office.
3.9. CATUC EC nominations. Bro. N Kelleher nominated, although our position is that at present the CATUC only needs an EC for emergency meetings.

4. Reports:
a) Secretary: Written report provided.
Treasurer: Not present.
b) Workplace: None
c) Bro. Davis to attend Black Workers’ conference.
Sis. Taylor attended Womens’ TUC conference in place of Sis. Sagoo. A verbal report was given.
Bro. Deacon asked the Secretary if he had any correspondence from Christine Wood (Midlands Regional TUC) re: Gay & Lesbian Network, as promised. He had not, Bro.Deacon to follow up.

5. Resolutions: None.

Speaker: N Kelleher
Action against fascist candidates in Black Country
Local elections.

7. A.O.B. None

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