Minutes of Delegate Meeting WB&DTUC
Thursday 16th March 2017
1. Present: Sis Taylor(UNITE-CYW), Welch (UCU) Weaver & Whyte (UNISON Gen) L.Tranah & Barbara & Lynette from WASPI Bro.Kelleher, Pugh, Deacon (UNISON Gen), J Grant (UCU), Rahimi (UNITE), Tranah
Apologies Bro S.Grant (NUT), Turner (UNISON) Childs (CWU), Juss (GMB)
2. Elections: Paulette Whyte (UNISON Gen) elected to Executive Committee, other positions vacant – put on next agenda
3. Minutes of February Delegate Meeting: agreed. Matters Arising: 3) TUC Dying to Work was agreed at February Cabinet meeting of council. Launch believed to be 25 April at Civic but we have not been invited. 4d) Depositing Wolverhampton worker in Wolverhampton City Archives on permanent loan tomorrow. 4h) Birmingham Keep NHS Public speaker re local STP Bro Deacon to forward contact. 8) Wolverhampton University of 3rd Age https://u3asites.org.uk/wolverhampton/page/36722 8) deadline missed for input into Labour Industrial Strategy.
4. Executive Committee Report
affiliation received from UNISON General Wolverhampton branch, 14 branches still to affiliate – forms continue to be sent out.
NHS demo about £100 received from ticket sales and £319 from UNISON for half of tickets – cost to us around £200 to subsidise rail tickets.
future speakers – Becca Kirkpatrick (UNISON CVS branch) will speak at April meeting on Universal Basic Income
Correspondence of note
national March against Racism March 18th
Following recent developments a further briefing to keep trades union councils up to date with information on the TUC engagement with the WMCA. 25th March Birmingham – Sis Welch to attend and give reportback.
NUT Gen Sec letter seeking support for education cuts campaign – see www.wolvestuc.org.uk 600 attended a demo in Shrewsbury earlier in month.
Newcastle TUC re threat of de-registration by TUCJCC – agreed to write letter complaining of TUCJCC action taken without procedure, that de-recognition is an unhelpful threat and lack of right to present case/appeal.; may add to remarks later.
Trades Union Councils development fund 2017 £300 available. Proposal for computer training from Leftspace suggested.
UCATT UE 191 branch has closed due to merger with UNITE – no contact for new branch – copy to Bro Baker UNITE.
1st May appeal for funds for May Day Committee £1,300 costs (£200 pledged so far) £250 donation agreed.
Morning Star online offer to TUCs of 10 annual subscriptions £500 instead of £2000- Bro Deacon suggested we ask if we can us to supply to local librarie since they no longer take newspapers.
Liberating Art GFTU backed 3-5 Nov 17 not in Stone moved to Exeter – on www.wolvestuc.org.uk
WM CND £7 reaffiliation request; £15 agreed; £24.91 spent on stamps; £44.77 for 1,000 A4 colour flyers Workers Memorial Day – awaiting councillor to speak confirmation before printing; Leftspace invoice for webhosting – queried as unclear
2,900 UK page views on our website last month www.wolvestuc.org.uk post reach of 1,150 on facebook in last month the #heartunions activity also reached 1,200.
6. Reports:
a] delegate reports: UNISON newly elected degate Bro Shabir Hussain had been unfortunately been taken ill, best wishes for recovery and hope to see him as delegate in future. Send letter looking forward to active involvement when fit and well.
b] Midlands TUC AGM – Sis Welch spoke to written report which she had produced – see http://wolvestuc.org.uk/index.php/6-articles/general-documents/841-tuc-midlands-region-annual-conference. £50 agreed donation to Derby Teaching assistants – 9 days of strike ACAS required. She had not taken part in ballot and went as observer since our delegate place rejected verbally by Regional Secretary and motion rejected by MTUC EC but no written retraction of last correspondence which granted us delegate and right to submit motion. Sec to write to MTUC .
c] Secretary – written report circulated. Workers Memorial Day – Chris Pugh unable to speak due to UNISON H&S meeting at same time.
d] Palestine Solidarity – national chair of PSC barred from Israel – online letter protests
7. speaker: Lynn Tranah on behalf of new local group of Cannock, Stafford and Wolverhampton WASPI, Women Against State Pension Inequality. Raising the pension age was the fastest £500 billion ever raised by the governmentand paid for banks’ economic crisis. 150 local groups formed in 2 years of the campaign that fights the injustice done to all women born in the 1950s affected by the changes to the state pension law (1995/2011 acts) riasing pension age for women from 60 to 68 and to achieve fair transitional state pension arrangements. They raise awareness and offer speakers. 3.5million affected, about 12,000 in Wolverhampton. Two Parliamentary debates and support from 120 MPs. Contributions below age of 21 were not counted. Pension ages can be checked on the www.waspi.co.uk website. Stall at May Day. £100 donation was agreed.
8. AOB : none
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