Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC
1. ATTENDANCE: Brothers: Kelleher (UNISON), Grant (NATFHE), Dolan (Community), Deacon (UNISON), Cole (NUT), Hardacre (ASPECT), Juss (GMB), Marriot (UNISON observer), Ash (UNISON), Carter (NUT)
Apologies: Sis. Halfpenny(NUT), Ceresa (UNISON), Taylor(CYWU) Bros. Farmer(UNISON), Marris(TGWU)
THIS MEETING WAS ALL MALE – delegates could not recall this happening before.
2. Minutes of the April meeting were agreed to be a true record. MATTERS ARISING:
2.1 Sec wrote to Midlands TUC with our comments on the consultation on the role of trades unions councils in the regional TUC.
2.2 letters still to be written to Pat McFadden re EDMs and council re FLAG
2.3 Rahimi Campaign Public meeting Bro.Cole will chair – Sec to circulate details for 16 June
2.4 affiliations campaign – PCS written to by Sec.
3. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT: Correspondence actioned:
3.1 ABCD offer of free TU stall 2 July Pheonix Park, Blakenhall – insurance required for stalls, cost prohibitive – no volunteers forthcoming
3.2 Cuba Solidarity meetings: June 29, Sept 28, Nov 30 Thursdays 7.30pm, 38 Goldthorn Rd. copies of EDM 1959 postcards, circulated at meeting.
3.3 Wolverhampton Council – Children & Young People Scrutiny Panel, formerly Lifelong Learning. Bro. Hardacre nominated
3.4 TGWU & Amicus re Peugeot Ryton – circulated at meeting
3.5 Bro.Marris & Bro.Marriot re TUC courses in Wolverhampton – discussed. Bro.Marriot congratulated for getting agreement for TUC courses to return to Wolverhampton.
3.6 Request from solicitor of Shapol Said of W’ton Kurdish Assoc. – Sec to send
3.7 Midlands TUC re certification of BNP’s “union” Solidarity. Sec. wrote to TU Certification officer and received reply that they accept it as TU but will contact us if a Certificate of Independence is sought so that we may lodge our complaint. – copy to Aspect.
3.8 Magazine “Solidarity” from Sec Bridgewater TUC no connection with above – subscription £6 agreed
3.9 Appeal from Sec Bridgewater TUC re recording of working class history. Copied to Bro.Barnsby.
3.10 Brent TUC appeal to commemorate 30th anniversary of Grunwick strike. £30 agreed
3.11 Rob Marris surgery dates – put on website
3.12 WMDay – all wreath cheques in except Ken Purchase still to pay £25
3.13 June delegate meeting speaker on Guantanamo bay to be arranged
3.14 News release not done for this month’s meeting, due to lack of time of Sec.
4. Reports & discussion:
a) Secretary written report circulated.
b) Workers Memorial Day, lessons to be learnt – Need local interest story for future events as TV coverage would then be available. Sec. spoke to Reg. TUC Sec. about it.
c) May Day – Decoration worked well. Good compere. £200 agreed donation to May Day Committee towards shortfall in funds. Event cost £1050. Donation still to come from NUT?
d) Treasurer – healthy balance reported
e) Local Govt. Pensions Strike Campaign – negotiations on-going will require new ballot for further action.
f) No delegates’ workplace reports.
g) Anti-BNP election campaign – need to establish local group to work between elections. Press release after election had been printed as a letter by Secretary in Adnews.
h) Palestine Solidarity – train tickets for PSC demo on Saturday were available.
5. Brian Carter, National Union Teachers Regional Secretary, spoke on the Education Bill, school academies & trusts etc and distributed campaign material from the NUT. There was a full and excellent discussion and it was agreed to lobby MPs to amend the Bill, put on website. Copy of our history to be sent to Bro. Carter
6. Any other business – report of CWU walkout at main sorting office. 100 workers reported to have walked out yesterday after management refusal to suspend a shift manager alleged to have racially abused a postal worker.
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