May 2008



15th May 2008 ATTENDANCE: BROTHERS –  Kelleher (UNISON GENERAL),  Cole (NUT), Clarke (POA), Bostock (POA), Deacon (UNISON), Cardy(UNISON), Hardacre (ASPECT), Marriot (UNISON), Williams (UCU), Goodall (UNISON HEALTH), Rahimi (ARC), Juss (GMB), Petford (AMICUS UNITE), Grant (UCU), Childs (CUW), Lynch ( Dudley NUT), Goodhall (UNISON B’ham)SISTERS – May (UNISON GENERAL), Kelsey (CWU), Singer (NUT). Johnson (UNISON B’ham)Apologies:     Sisters – Ceresa (UNISON GENERAL), Brealey (UNISON GENERAL)                        Brothers – Ash (UNISON GENERAL), Bechler (ATL).  

1.        WELCOME – Introductions and apologies were taken.                                   

2.         MINUTES OF April MEETING   agreed correct record.            Matters Arising            3.11    Still no Cuba motion from the NUT            3a.       Worcester TUC class words – £300 each.  Socialist songs and poems.                        NUT pay dispute – Good rally in Birmingham – 2000/3000 with support from other public sector workers.            3.d       Donation of £73 received.            6.         Cheque to be sent to Alan Wilkins BPTUAA                                   

3.         EC Report & CORRESPONDENCE            3.         PCS make your vote count campaign. Sec to write re our work and lack of response from PCS.            7.         TUCJCC – Lacking form programme are Health and Safety, Trade Union recruitment, anti –BNP work and to how to mobilise leaflets.  Bro. Hardacre is delegate at this conference.            11.       WBCo. Glastonbury – 6 volunteers registered.  Leeds 17 places requested.Any ideas for speakers in the future? – Greening the workplace. Trade Union recruitment campaigning.  Hold stalls at various shows/places/events.           

4.         REPORTS           

(a)       SECRETARY            i)          Biggest affiliation of branches this year.            UCU University has not re-affiliated.                                    ii)         IDAHO –International Day against Homophobia – 17/5/08.  77 Countries still unlawful.              12pm bash in Queens Square, Wolverhampton.             iii)        Workers’ Memorial Day not as well attended as last year.  It should be an Health & Safety             campaign activity, not just a memorial.                         1st May Day – biggest attendance ever, mentioned in Parliament by Ken Purchase.   Agreed to give donation of £150 from WB&DTUC to May Day Committee.   Need to get well known speakers. Venue other side of town was suggested.            

(b)       TREASURER –  Funds are in a good state.           

(c)        DELEGATES’ WORKPLACE reports:            i)          NUT pay dispute – a good national event through 1 day strike.  NUT is carrying out a rolling programme of action.          NUT part of public sector pay dispute.  June 9th is a TUC organised lobby of parliament by public sector workers.  Possibility of coach for group transport to lobby.             ii)         UNISON pay dispute nationally rejected.  There will be a ballot for strike action.             iii)        POA Annual Conference in Portsmouth addressed by Jack Straw.  Arrived and left in silence.  Only reported in Morning Star and Guardian.  He has brought back legislation to prevent Officers from striking.  Voting unanimous “no confidence”.  42 MPs were supporting amendment, did not know where to vote.            Pay Review Body’s any recommendations has to go through house to ratify.            5 motions about working to rule were unanimous.              iv)        Rahimi family can now stay.  After 4 years in limbo granted leave to stay.  Will now be evicted from home and will end up in homeless hostel.  Congratulations from Trades Council.  Bro. Rahimi thanked delegates warmly for their support in campaign. He is now a member of AMICUS.                         (d)       CATUC nothing of note to report.             (e)       TUC Black Workers Conference.  Bro. Juss attended as GMB delegate.  Motion re. Bridging employment gap between White and Black workers to go to TUC.                        Depressing discussion about migrant workers – some black workers did not want to fight all types of discrimination.  Some delegates wanted to break away from Trade Union Movement and have their own agenda.  Bro. Juss found it a negative experience, with agenda against migrant workers by fellow Black Trade Unionists.   This may be an issue we want to discuss.             (f)        Anti-BNP Campaign.  Report circulated.  Discussion about leafleting – it is easy, none threatening.  BNP leadership is weak.  They have been driven back.  UKIP had Councillor elected in Dudley who is opposed to Mosque.  Bro. Kelleher produced some excellent postcards for local areas.             (g)       Public meeting – Palestine.  What now? – 16/5/08 St Andrews’ church hall.             (h)       Cuba Solidarity Garden Party – 28/6/08 Mayfield Road – tickets £2.                        The speaker was not able to give a presentation.  Instead sent leaflets about Race Equality Partnership. 

5.         Speakers from Palestine TU delegation.  Bro. Lynch showed how Palestinians have been pushed out by Israelis since 1948.  Walsall is creating links with Kobar  in Palestine – a way of organising concrete links with Palestine.  There are quite a number of training groups.  Sis. Johnson reported on possibility of visiting and training.  Thanks given – an interesting talk. 

6.         AOB            Bro. Hardacre was present at Mayor making yesterday.            Constitution of Scrutiny and Executive boards is to change – where there will no longer be representatives from Trade Unions or Trades Council.  The Churches will be part of Constitution still.            This will be investigated.

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