Minutes April 2024

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council Delegate Meeting MINUTES of Thursday 18th April 2024

Present (2024 delegates in bold): Paulette Whyte, Adrian Turner UNISON City of Wolverhampton; Kieran Bott, Metka Potocnick UCU University; Michael Vaughan UNISON Staffordshire; Nick Kelleher, John Oakley, John Clark, Thomas Mahon, Robert Lipke UNITE WM/6150; Marie Taylor UNITE LE/372; Ali Rahimi Unite Community WM/5115; Warinder Juss GMBx13; Di Weaver UNITE WM/5203; Graham Childs CWU

Apologies: Si Goode, Penny Welch, Simon Cardy, Tim Martin

  1. Minutes of last Delegate Meeting (March) agreed; Matters Arising – Penny Welch is now a delegate as was additionally elected as delegate at UCU’s recent AGM; The UNITE and UNISON dispute at Mitie Dudley was won with workers getting the COVID payment that all other Mitie and NHS workers had already had.
  2. EC Report
  1. payments made: Jallianwala Bagh Centenary Committee £25 affiliation; Campaign to Oppose Police Surveillance re-affiliation £50; coach donation £50; Venezuela Solidarity £40; Institute of Employment Rights £70; payments received: January demo coach further income received from Sandwell UNISON £150, UNITE Region £150; one anniversary badge sold online
  2. agreed Liberation affiliation £36/year – invite speaker
  3. 2024 re-affiliations received from CWU, RMT, UNITE WM5115 Community,UNITE WM5203. Outstanding re-affiliations: GMB X13(new branch Sec WJ is chasing up), NEU (replied that should be sorted soon), UNITE WM7132(Buses) (resent again, Dane Cross chasing – he’d been told it was sent), and PCS (no contacts)
  4. Workers’ Memorial Day Sunday 28 April 2024 – Agreed to pay for cobs at Lych Gates after. NK to make wreath. WMDay Plaque – NK had meeting with Urban Design & Conservation Officer; need to involve Assets Management dept too.
  5. May 1st (Wed) – Funding £150 CWU, £25 ASLEF, £200 UNISON City of Wolverhampton- total of £1475, budget £1750 apply for TUC Development grant; MT to run Wolves TUC stall. 5000 flyers arrived. DW to take some to Midlands TUC AGM. Volunteers sought for leafleting 13/14/20/21/27 April and set-up on 30 April
  6. Gig for Gaza – by Fire Brigades Union. 27th April – LTB Showrooms near train station – 1 Warwick Road, Coventry, CV1 1EX All proceeds to Medical Aid for Palestinians https://actionnetwork.org/ticketed_events/gig-for-gaza/
  1. audited 2023 Accounts accepted treasurer and auditor thanked. We spent approx. £300 more than received in affiliations, donations and merchandise sales.
  2. delegate reports:
  1. ASLEF Kerry Cassidy gave a national update and Si Goode’s written report to be circulated
  2. UCU held AGM held same officers elected
  3. UNISON pay offer expected after May 2nd elections. National legal precedent won for care worker dismissed after strike. Will be taking part in Wolverhampton Pride June 8th
  1. Midlands TUC AGM report – Di Weaver was our delegate and was re-elected to the Executive of Midlands TUC; all motions passed. Circulate motions. Emergency motion on threat to jobs at Alsthom Derby
  2. Secretary reportcirculated. NK will send out copies of motions and model rules going to the national trades councils conf. EC will discuss any amendments put forward: apologies for delay in sending out.
  3. Trans-Atlantic Enslavement Links research zoom meeting planned for Thursday after election
  4. Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity Campaign holding protest at Barclays this Sat 11am
  5. Kerry Cassidy, GWR driver and member of ASLEF’s Women’s Representative Committee spoke about paid and unpaid leave. Video recorded to be uploaded to https://wolvestuc.org.uk/paid-and-unpaid-leave-rights/