November 2002

Thursday 21st November 2002

Sis. M Taylor (Chair)

Bros. D Joynson, N Kelleher, A Turner, W Juss, R Tinsley, G Baynham Sis. M Taylor,. Observers A Goodall, K Rana, D Mimmo, A Doyle, K Stelfox, S Evans, R Deans, S Shreeve

1. Welcome to New Delegates & Apologies
Bros. K Purchase MP, B Deacon, D Ash, R Marris MP, J Grant, P Goalby, Sis. S Sagoo.

2. Minutes of October delegate meeting Matters Arising.
Agreed a true and accurate record
3.2.1 WMDay Tree will stay at the same site, although there will be no access next year due to works being carried out. Suggestions are welcome to where memorial could be carried out. Agreed that Secretary investigates possibility of balloon release in the civic plaza as there can be no wreath laying.

3. Executive Committee report (14-11-02) & Further Correspondence.

2.10. Women’s Aid No response for request for speaker.
2.12. & 5.2. Strikers now in dire straits. UNISON General branch to make donation. Friction Dynamics have won the Industrial Tribunal 3-0
5.1. Beacon Industries re: redundancies. Awaiting response from Bro. Eastlow.

4. Reports:
a) Secretary, written report provided.
b) Treasurer, apologies.
c) FBU pay claim strike report & discussion of assistance from WB&D TUC
Allocate £200 for a social or donation Bro Tinsley to liase with Secretary re: possible TUC social with Banner Theatre
Circulate info and requests for funds and offer of speakers
Affiliates and delegates contact Secretary for info on assistance for FBU.
d) NLBD/ISTC Beacon Industries See Secretary’s report.
e) Palestine Bro. Doyle gave a verbal report.
Meetings every 1st Thursday, starting 5 Dec 7pm Leicester St
E-mail to be set up
TUC PO Box can be used if required
Money available via UNISON Region for Palestinian TU visit
Book coach for national demo Feb 15th

5. Resolutions.

6. Video Simon Jones Campaign.
Due to the lack of time available it was agreed to screen the video at the next delegate meeting.


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