November 2006

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC

1. 1. ATTENDANCE:  Sisters: Taylor (CYWU)  Brothers: Kelleher (UNISON), Grant (UCU), Deacon (UNISON), Muir (CYWU), Cole (NUT), Apologies: Sis Halfpenny (NUT), Ceresa (UNISON), Bro. Juss (GMB),
2. The minutes of October meeting were agreed as a true record.  MATTERS ARISING:
2.1 Ken Purchase paid £25 for wreath for Workers Memorial Day
2.2 Bro.Cole ordered CND anti-Trident postcards
2.3 Need to respond to Cnllr Dass re inquiry into council’s response to report of fascist graffiti

3. November Executive Committee report, matters arising: addition of sis Taylor’s apology
Correspondence actioned:
3.1 £25 donation towards 28th Oct demo – from Bro Hardacre, ASPECT
3.2 CATUC 2007 affiliation £32.50 – sent, nominations for officers to be taken at delegate meeting
3.3 Hazards Campaign 2007 appeal –£20 donation agreed
3.4 Ali Rahimi – offer of help as TU volunteer, NUT & UNISON to raise at their EC meetings – invite him to our EC and write to other unions
3.5 Rob Marris letter to minister re Redwatch in response to our request. Postcards to be circulated at delegate meeting – other MPs to be chased up.
3.6 Sent: questions and documents for circulation prior to Nov 18th TUCs conference to Roger McKenzie, who agreed to circulate
3.7 Sent: Civic room booking requests
4. Election to inaugural Race Equality Partnership Wolverhampton, Board of Directors (4 years, 4 meetings per year) – Bro.Deacon elected
5. Reports
a) Secretary –written report circulated, discussion of success of Defend the NHS/Save Older Peoples Homes demo TUC Dev Grant £250, applied for towards costs of over £440 borne by WB&DTUC, Report by Sec. distributed – seek funds from branches
b)  Treasurer- balance reported, Dec 18th Union Xmas Party night club expected to raise funds.
c)  Delegates’ workplace reports
d)  Save the Council Older People’s Homes campaign – report given by UNISON. Council decision early December.
e)  Midlands TUC – written report circulated. Anti-abortion EDM has not been signed by any Wolverhampton MPs
f)  Rebuilding Trade Union Councils regional conference (18th Nov) – 3 delegates to attend
g)  Save British Manufacturing campaign – Amicus leafleting in Queens square went ahead, deadline for petitions 17 Nov.
h)  Palestine Solidarity Bro.Deacon reported on Boycott Israel campaign. Public meeting 25th Nov. POSTPONED (maybe Feb 3rd) due to unavailability of Ken Purchase. Sec. to send out email notifications.
i)  Anti-BNP campaign agenda for local conference with LP and Interfaith Group discussed. Speak to Roger Lawrence re a conference, suggested date 27th January claiming back Holocaust Memorial Day from religious dominance of last year. At Civic – check availability for Sat 27th. Parkfield High school recently visited Auschwitz. Invite Searchlight. Education theme of conference with practical outcomes and decisions, not just speeches. Workshops? Labour Party still not contacted us. Need to get copy of report distributed at LP?Searchlight conference.
6. Speaker: Searchlight LP conference written report was distributed and discussed.

7. Any Other Business :
 a) 1st December World aids Day co-ordinated locally by Terrance Higgins trust – see their website. HIV in the workplace leaflets distributed and available from WB&DTUC.
b) Secretary was requested to buy new laser cartridge for printer.

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