MINUTES OF MEETING 19th November 2009
ATTENDANCE – BROTHERS – Kelleher (UNISON General), Deacon (UNISON General), Cole (NUT), Rahimi (UNITE), Grant (NUT), Turner (UNISON), Childs (CWU), Juss (GMB), Baynham (UNITE), Clarke (POA), Bostock (POA)
SISTERS – Ceresa (UNISON General), Reynolds (GMB), Burth (UNISON retired member), Halfpenny (NUT), Taylor (CYWU/UNISON), Pidgeon (TUC), Kelsey (CWU). Apologies: Brothers Grant (UCU), Muir (CYWU/UNITE).
1. WELCOME to all delegates.
2. MINUTES OF MEETING 15th October 2009, Corrections:
Sis. Halfpenny sent apologies. Bro. Muir (not Sis.) Sis Burth (not Bro.) (4.b) “Word” not “Ward”.
Matters Arising
POA – Public sector can put in bid for Featherstone 2 prison
(4.a) No local leaflet delivered remembrance day. Brookfields contacted.
(4.b) Development grant for anti fascist work will be applied for.
(5) Resolution has been sent to WMCATUC on 5/12/09. Sis. Taylor seeks substitute for this meeting.
1) Need more affiliations
2) Copies of TUC Education causes available and on website. Pete Try is liaising with Wolverhampton College for Trade Union centre at the college.
3) TUC changes to Trades Council registration, now by the end of January so branches need to affiliate quickly.
4) Details of Refugee and Migrant Centre visited by Secretary. Sis. Halfpenny proposed a donation. Could we do joint work with them e.g. Trade
10) Birmingham Trades Council CWU, are they still short of funds?
11) Venezuela Trade Union leaders visit invite.
12) Two Sisters Food Group – racist bullying campaign. 55 sacked but might be reinstated. Bro. Kelleher will invite them to meeting if still in dispute.
13) Jerry Hicks, UNITE candidate would like to speak to Trades Council. No other issues need raising from correspondence.
a) Secretary – Thanks to all who helped in anti-BNP campaign. Also a proportion of Oxley ward that had been leafleted, 11 women and 5 men helped. 40% black workers.
If by election in those wards or Tory Councils trial. Both at full Council meeting and at Scrutiny Panel. Bushbury and Wednesfield North are hot spots.
29/11/09 – no white balloon release at local Derby. If we knew more details we could write letters of complaint. Hard for groups such as Women’s Committee to function as little funding or resources available. 150 at Pensions Network.
Christmas Party – Tuesday 22nd December at Revolution. Doors open
b) Treasurer – no Report
c) UNISON – Campaign against council cuts. Plans constantly change. 188 notices issued for 173 posts. ‘Just in case’ very much hit and miss. Campaign regarding Meals on Wheels and EKTA. Charges for Day Centres and Taxes. Poor effort on the elderly now public consultation. Is the consultation meaningful? Tory’s last vote at Scrutiny meeting. CYWU/UNITE budget consultation asked for clarification of reserves. £29M in general and £65m bottom line total. Included 2.4% pay rise.
5. RESOLUTION – none
Potted life history with focus on her fight for equality of all types. There is a need to improve communications within the TUC. West Midlands worst area for young people unemployed.
Need to work together to defend Public Services.
TUC has bid for organiser to work with vulnerable workers.
Chainmakers Festival 18th September
TUC strategic plan 2009-11 is available. This is the time for solidarity. Future of Regional TUC will depend on Government. Need to share and communicate more. There is a lot of talent in the Region.
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