Delegate Minutes
Thursday 19th October 2023
Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council
- Present (delegates registered from affiliated branches in bold): Penny Welch, Metka Potocnik, Edda Nicolson UCU University, Warinder Juss GMBx13; Graham Childs CWU; Adrian Turner, Sharon Dixon, Paulette Whyte & Simon Cardy UNISON City of Wolverhampton, Tim Martin Musicians Union, Michael Vaughan UNISON Staffordshire; Marie Taylor UNITE LE/372; Nick Kelleher, John Clarke, John Oakley, Rob Marris, Thomas Mohan, Dave Lee & Paul Fletcher UNITE WM/6150; Ali Rahimi Unite Community, Dane Cross Unite WM/7132, Russell Lane, Chaz Stoll UNISON
Apologies Bob Deacon, Di Weaver, Keely Hodgkiss, Si Goode, Nigel Harkness, Kay Cresswell-Green - Minutes of last Delegate Meeting (September) agreed, matters arising:
our Black History Month talk on Jamaican labour history went ahead previous Saturday with Liz Millman live from Australia, most of audience was new to our events. Recording at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JljuvRaLpzc Liz runs a Fridaay 3pm weekly online discussion detail;s at https://www.blackhistoryconversations.com/ - EC Report – correspondence of note:
future delegate meeting discussion suggested on different union’s ways of organising – contact MV with ideas.
Stop the arms fair in Telford Thursday 2 November DAY OF ACTION (see sec report for details)
zoom renewal agreed, £120 unless discount found, ends 6 Nov. Dec21st meeting in person – delegates agreed. Ask UNITE and/or UNISON to see if venues available and if hybrid possible for future meetings.
Enslavement links project – £5,000 funds. Angelina Osborne still interested in completing research. Website domain name to be decided, meeting to plan next steps to be arranged week after next delegate meeting. Sec to write to branches to seek additional funds
Workers’ Memorial Day plaque restoration/replacement – council officer still to be contacted - delegate reports and strike updates:
UNITE – the three UNITE shop stewards from the strike at ArcelorMittal, (Wolverhampton), Thomas Mohan, Dave Lee & Paul Fletcher reported on dispute. Pay claim put in March, 4.5% offer rejected, eventually increased to 7%, rejected and strike action began in September. Steelworkers on low pay, some minimum wage, whilst company profits £33million. Pickets 6-30am to 12noon Strawberry Lane, off Neachells La. Wednesfield, WV13 3SE on:
October 19th, 20th, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 30th, 31st
November 3rd, 7th, 8th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 20th, 23rd, 24th, 28th, 29th
December 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th
Real term pay cuts for last decade. Sister site has had a surge in union membership.
UNITE – local government pay strikes being taken.
UNISON – 2023 agreed pay rise has still not been paid to members
GMB – awaiting local government pay strike ballot result.
Delegates discussed that UNISON, UNITE and GMB were not working well together in local government.
ASLEF – written report emailed out re-balloting for 6months further strike action in November
RMT – 90% yes vote on 64% turnout to continue industrial action
TUCJCC – re-writing Model Rules for TUCs and Secretary – written report circulated byNick Kelleher
Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity Campaign – Simon Cardy reported on the horror attacks from both sides. That attacks on PSC to silence them had backfired and they continued to call for a ceasefire and peace along with UNISON, RMT, FBU and others. Labour Muslim councillors had been resigning due to Labour leader’s statement supporting Israeli actions. - any other business: pro-refugee event in Stafford – to be put on our website
- speaker – Dr Edda Nicolson (UCU) gave an illustrated talk on the History of the General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) , a recording of her talk is now on https://youtu.be/hXdqyRNqKIA