MINUTES of Delegate meeting 15th September 2011
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Welcome & Introductions Present: Sis. Sharkey UNISON) Halfpenny (NUT) Bro. Kelleher, Everall, Deacon, Turner (UNISON Gen) Rahimi (UNITE 0758M) Grant (NUT) Juss (GMB) J.Grant (UCU)
Apologies: Sis. Taylor (NUT), Elson (PCS), Ceresa (UNISON Gen), Petford (UNITE), Kelsey (CWU) Bro. Bostock & Clarke (POA), Juss (GMB), Thomas (Community), Marris & Purchase (UNITE 5/836)
In the absence of Chair & Vice Chair it was agreed Bro. J Grant would chair meeting.
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Minutes of last meeting agreed correct Matters arising: FOI request re Chief Exec pay as election agent List of local tenants groups to be sought Emma Reynolds will not support Morning Star on BBC despite 100 MPs supporting it. Campaign against anti TU laws. Speaker from Thompson’s regarding agency workers. Will try to publicise this. PSC £50 sent off Not applied for TUC grant Sylvia Pankhurst film, chase up Mode 4 letter to Euro MPs circulated – need to send |
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Executive Committee Report No meeting but list of correspondence Web links re job advets done Donation to Burston strike school rally £25 a) 22/9/11 Shropshire UNISON demonstration against pay deductions. New branch officials taking decisive action. GMB in Shropshire have agreed to 5% cuts. Threat of UNISON losing facilities time. Letters of solidarity to branch needed. All allowances for non standard hours of work being cut, this affects lowest paid. This would end national bargaining. Letter of support and email. e) Re affiliation to Shrewsbury 24 – agreed. f) Justice for Columbia want affiliation of £60 but agreed donation of £25 w) Chain makers – discussion about lateness and lack of publicity. Need to have a committee to pull it all together. Black Country Museum let off too lightly. (not booked for TU meetings). Through our unions motions about continuation of Chain makers. To be raised at Regional Executive. x) Adverts for Chain makers and B’ham march placed in Morning Star @£8. |
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Wolverhampton Against Cuts Picnic – only 5 turned up. No Trade Union stalls in Summer, nothing much happened. New banner has beenordered. |
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Delegates Workplace Reports Lobby of Parliament – 26th October 2011 by teacher unions. 1 teacher from every school in Country down to London to lobby MPs and demonstrate outside Parliament. Ask every teacher to donate £1 to travel fund. Need to contact NASUWT to liaise across Black Country. Unions need meaningful consultation. Final warning to Government. Will give Bro. Kelleher more details. UNISON – continuing issues with Wolverhampton LA regarding budget cuts. £65ml over 4 years. Further section 188 notices and redundancies. Single status, job evaluation, privatisation. Pensions – no details on local government scheme announced yet. UNISON coach booked October 2nd 2011 to Manchester – Wolverhampton & Dudley NUT – Falkland Street 9:30am. (Tory conference). Banner Theatre booked for Arena Theatre November 11th 2011
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Midlands TUC Report Rob Johnson is the new Regional TUC Secretary from UNISON. Sending letter of congratulations and request to attend meetings. |
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Secretary’s Report Searchlight anti EDL booklet obtained. To be sent to Roger Lawrence, Methodists, Bob Jones, Wolverhampton Together, police Demonstration against Bombardier 10,000 mobilised 50,000 petitions. Due to pressure may win another contract. Maps available for ‘March for Alternative’. Legal guidance from Thompson’s. RMT, UCU (university) have both re-affiliated to WB&DTUC National Express 50% concessionary fare scheme withdrawn for older people. Write to MPs.
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May Day Committee No other meeting held. Bob Crow cannot make May Day – no speakers confirmed. Venue seems will not be sold before May. |
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AOB Palestine Solidarity– stall at Mark Thomas event went well. Write to Emma Reynolds regarding new settlements being built again. Going to UN for a state within diplomatic borders. Cuba Solidarity– garden party went ahead. Possible publicity mix up. Sis Sebastian has resigned from EC as now working in Stoke. Sis Petford future apologies as doing evening class. The meeting noted with sadness the deaths of four miners in Swansea.
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