Wolverhampton Workers’ Memorial Day

next event – Monday 28th April 2025

12.30pm at the Workers’ Memorial Day Tree, Cenotaph, St Peters Square, Wolverhampton WV1 1TS 

~ all welcome

“A New Deal for Safe Work”

Workers’ Memorial Day is commemorated throughout the world and is officially recognised by the UK Government.

We remember those we have lost. We organise in their memory.

2024 event listings









Wolverhampton’s Workers’ Memorial Day Tree was planted in 1992 by John Bird MEP, there is a plaque next to it.
After over 30 years, the plaque is looking the worse for wear and its wooden mounting has rotted away. Mounted low amongst ivy and other ground cover, is not clearly visible without almost stepping onto the bedding plants.
Workers’ Memorial Day memorials in other towns are much more visible and prominent and this is a bit of an embarrassment for our city. Our delegates have discussed it and are currently in discussion with the City of Wolverhampton Council regarding our proposals for improvement.


2023 WMDay event:

2023: our theme this year was “Safety for Workers is Safety for the Public”

speakers confirmed:

John Dunn, Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign

Warinder Juss, GMB/Thompsons

Si Goode ASLEF

John Welsby, Black Country Urban Industrial Mission

Sureena Brackenridge, Wolverhampton NE Labour Party

Pat McFadden MP Wolverhampton South East

with Marie Taylor President of WB&DTUC introducing the event

and wreath laying at the Workers Memorial Day Tree
The theme this year is “Safety for Workers is Safety for the Public”
Keep railway stations staffed, opposing driver-only trains, demands for adequate PPE for health workers and improved training for firefighters, are all union campaigns fighting for their members, but also to keep the public safe.

GM Hazards have produced an excellent 5 min film on The Importance of Workers Memorial Day view at https://youtu.be/OB80D0MD0w0


Over 15,000 people of working age died in the pandemic. Many of those were key workers in high-risk workplaces in sectors such as health, social care, transport, food processing and textiles.  BME workers were particularly hard hit, with BME men 57% more likely to be working in jobs with a higher mortality rate, and BME women 48% more likely.

28 April each year is when trade unionists remember those who die or are injured through their work and highlight how we fight for the living.

This year speakers were

Cnllr Clare Simm PCS
Di Weaver UNITE
Alan Hooper RMT
Mish Rahman Labour national executive
John Welsby Industrial chaplain Black Country Urban Industrial Mission

with Marie Taylor President of WB&DTUC introducing the event

and wreath laying at the Workers Memorial Day Tree

Please stay safe and we request at this event you wear a mask and socially distance. If you feel ill please don’t come but follow the event on social media.
Currently 1 in 14 of the population has Covid.



Workers Memorial Day 2021 Logo AW

Wolverhampton Workers’ Memorial Day Wednesday 28th April 2021 @ https://youtu.be/eb5hxYIAlv4 with contributions from:

Nick Kelleher, Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC Secretary
Warinder Juss, delegate from GMB x13
Marie Taylor, Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC President
Pat McFadden MP Wolverhampton South East
John Welsby, Black Country Urban Industrial Mission Chaplain
Adrian Turner, UNISON City of Wolverhampton Secretary
Michael Vaughan, UNISON Staffordshire Secretary
made with the assistance of Cnllr Beverley Momenabadi
This is the 30th year that Workers’ Memorial Day has been commemorated by Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council and the Black Country Urban Industrial Mission


Theme for 2020: This year’s international theme: Coronavirus – Stop the Pandemic at work

with contributions from:

FBU: Andrew Scattergood

GMB: Warinder Juss
PCS: Debra Mills, Cnllr Clare Simm, Bob Simm

UCU: Dr Grace Millar

UNISON: Paulette Whyte, Chris Pugh, Sharon Dixon, Adrian Turner

UNITE: John Oakley, Rob Marris, Andy Taylor

Wolverhampton TUC: Marie Taylor, Nick Kelleher

Pat McFadden MP Wolverhampton SE

Black Country Urban Industrial Mission: John Welsby

51minute film

Normal public events for April 28th were not possible because of measures to contain Coronavirus/Covid-19.

But marking International Workers’ Memorial Day has never been more important for workers’ lives and health and those of our families and communities.

The coronavirus pandemic affects every worker regardless of sector or locality. Tens of thousands of workers worldwide have died. More have fallen ill or continue to go to work risking their lives. Many workers are still attending work ill-equipped and without necessary safety measures in place.

We could not have a starker reminder of the important role of trade union health and safety reps in saving and protecting workers’ lives, than the current crisis we are living through.

While we may not be able to attend the memorial events which usually take place on IWMD, as public gatherings around the world are not advised or allowed; there are many ways trade union members can take part in our collective day of remembrance and solidarity.

Workers Memorial Day is commemorated throughout the world and is officially recognised by the UK Government.

We remember those we have lost. We organise in their memory.

last year: Sunday 28 April 2019



next event – Monday 28th April 2025

12.30pm at the Workers’ Memorial Day Tree, Cenotaph, St Peters Square, Wolverhampton WV1 1TS 

~ all welcome

“A New Deal for Safe Work”

Workers’ Memorial Day is commemorated throughout the world and is officially recognised by the UK Government.

We remember those we have lost. We organise in their memory.

2024 event listings









Wolverhampton’s Workers’ Memorial Day Tree was planted in 1992 by John Bird MEP, there is a plaque next to it.
After over 30 years, the plaque is looking the worse for wear and its wooden mounting has rotted away. Mounted low amongst ivy and other ground cover, is not clearly visible without almost stepping onto the bedding plants.
Workers’ Memorial Day memorials in other towns are much more visible and prominent and this is a bit of an embarrassment for our city. Our delegates have discussed it and are currently in discussion with the City of Wolverhampton Council regarding our proposals for improvement.


2023 WMDay event:

2023: our theme this year was “Safety for Workers is Safety for the Public”

speakers confirmed:

John Dunn, Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign

Warinder Juss, GMB/Thompsons

Si Goode ASLEF

John Welsby, Black Country Urban Industrial Mission

Sureena Brackenridge, Wolverhampton NE Labour Party

Pat McFadden MP Wolverhampton South East

with Marie Taylor President of WB&DTUC introducing the event

and wreath laying at the Workers Memorial Day Tree
The theme this year is “Safety for Workers is Safety for the Public”
Keep railway stations staffed, opposing driver-only trains, demands for adequate PPE for health workers and improved training for firefighters, are all union campaigns fighting for their members, but also to keep the public safe.

GM Hazards have produced an excellent 5 min film on The Importance of Workers Memorial Day view at https://youtu.be/OB80D0MD0w0


Over 15,000 people of working age died in the pandemic. Many of those were key workers in high-risk workplaces in sectors such as health, social care, transport, food processing and textiles.  BME workers were particularly hard hit, with BME men 57% more likely to be working in jobs with a higher mortality rate, and BME women 48% more likely.

28 April each year is when trade unionists remember those who die or are injured through their work and highlight how we fight for the living.

This year speakers were

Cnllr Clare Simm PCS
Di Weaver UNITE
Alan Hooper RMT
Mish Rahman Labour national executive
John Welsby Industrial chaplain Black Country Urban Industrial Mission

with Marie Taylor President of WB&DTUC introducing the event

and wreath laying at the Workers Memorial Day Tree

Please stay safe and we request at this event you wear a mask and socially distance. If you feel ill please don’t come but follow the event on social media.
Currently 1 in 14 of the population has Covid.



Workers Memorial Day 2021 Logo AW

Wolverhampton Workers’ Memorial Day Wednesday 28th April 2021 @ https://youtu.be/eb5hxYIAlv4 with contributions from:

Nick Kelleher, Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC Secretary
Warinder Juss, delegate from GMB x13
Marie Taylor, Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC President
Pat McFadden MP Wolverhampton South East
John Welsby, Black Country Urban Industrial Mission Chaplain
Adrian Turner, UNISON City of Wolverhampton Secretary
Michael Vaughan, UNISON Staffordshire Secretary
made with the assistance of Cnllr Beverley Momenabadi
This is the 30th year that Workers’ Memorial Day has been commemorated by Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council and the Black Country Urban Industrial Mission


Theme for 2020: This year’s international theme: Coronavirus – Stop the Pandemic at work

with contributions from:

FBU: Andrew Scattergood

GMB: Warinder Juss
PCS: Debra Mills, Cnllr Clare Simm, Bob Simm

UCU: Dr Grace Millar

UNISON: Paulette Whyte, Chris Pugh, Sharon Dixon, Adrian Turner

UNITE: John Oakley, Rob Marris, Andy Taylor

Wolverhampton TUC: Marie Taylor, Nick Kelleher

Pat McFadden MP Wolverhampton SE

Black Country Urban Industrial Mission: John Welsby

51minute film

Normal public events for April 28th were not possible because of measures to contain Coronavirus/Covid-19.

But marking International Workers’ Memorial Day has never been more important for workers’ lives and health and those of our families and communities.

The coronavirus pandemic affects every worker regardless of sector or locality. Tens of thousands of workers worldwide have died. More have fallen ill or continue to go to work risking their lives. Many workers are still attending work ill-equipped and without necessary safety measures in place.

We could not have a starker reminder of the important role of trade union health and safety reps in saving and protecting workers’ lives, than the current crisis we are living through.

While we may not be able to attend the memorial events which usually take place on IWMD, as public gatherings around the world are not advised or allowed; there are many ways trade union members can take part in our collective day of remembrance and solidarity.

Workers Memorial Day is commemorated throughout the world and is officially recognised by the UK Government.

We remember those we have lost. We organise in their memory.

last year: Sunday 28 April 2019



3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Wolverhampton TUC
  2. March 2024 Wolverhampton TUC report – Wolverhampton TUC
  3. May 2024 report – Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council

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