(amended AGM January 2020)
1. Name
The name of the Council shall be Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council.
2. Registration
The Council shall be registered annually by the TUC.
3. Objects
3.1 The objects of the Council shall be to:
a) promote the interests of all its affiliated organisations and to secure united action on all questions affecting, or likely to affect, those interests.
b) help to promote suitable educational, social and sports facilities for adult workers.
c) establish more intimate relationships between the affiliated organisations and the Trade Union Congress.
d) improve generally, economic and social conditions of the workers.
e) support and work for such objects as the Trades Union Congress may from time to time determine.
3.2. In furtherance of these objects, the Council shall co-operate with the local Labour Party where and whenever possible, providing that no part of the funds of the Council derived from the general funds of the affiliated trade unions shall be applied directly or indirectly, in furtherance of the political objectives specified in section 3(3) of the Trade Union Act, 1913 as amended by part III of the Trade Union Act, 1984.
4. Constitution
4.1 The Council shall consist only of representatives of trade unions who live or work in the area covered by the trades council.
4.2 The application of any trade union branch desiring to affiliate shall be submitted to the full Council for its approval or otherwise.
4.3 trade union branches affiliated to the Council shall be allowed representation on the basis of 1 delegate for each 50 members or part thereof, up to 200 members; and 1 delegate for each further 100, or part thereof; the maximum representation being 11.
5. Alteration of Rules
5.1 No alterations of rules should take place except as decided in the Annual General Meeting, and then only upon a vote of two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote, voting in favour of proposed alteration.
5.2 Notice of any proposed amendment to, or alteration of, rule, must be sent in writing to the Secretary at least three months before the Annual General Meeting.
6. Contributions
Each affiliated organisation shall contribute an affiliation fee of 12 pence per member per annum, the minimum affiliation fee being £10 per annum per affiliate, payable each year in advance on or before 1 January.
7. Council Meetings
7.1 Each delegates shall sign the attendance register on entry.
7.2 Trade unionists may attend meetings as visitors and, at the discretion of the Council, may be required to produce proof of their trade union membership.
7.3 At the discretion of the Council, visitors may take part in discussions but shall not vote.
7.4 No business shall be dealt with except that for which the meeting is specifically called.
7.5 The Annual General Meeting of the Council shall take place in the month of January each year.
7.6 The Ordinary General Meetings of the Council shall normally be held on the third Thursday evening of each month and, except by special resolution of the Council shall not continue for more than 90 minutes.
7.7 A special meeting may be called at any time by the Executive Committee or, in case of urgency, by the President and Secretary.
7.8 A special meeting may also be called by submission to the Secretary of a written request, clearly stating the object of the meeting, signed by 25 delegates, and such a meeting must be held within 14 days of the receipt of such a request.
7.9 Life membership may be awarded at any Ordinary or Annual Meeting, subject to the Executive Committee recommendation.
8. Auditors
The Council, at its Annual General Meeting, shall appoint two auditors, whose duty it shall be to audit all accounts and the Annual Financial Statement, certify as to the correctness or otherwise, and report upon their findings at the next Annual General Meeting of Council.
9. Officers
9.1 The Officers of the Council shall be:
a) President,
b) Vice-President,
c) Treasurer, and
d) Secretary.
9.2 The Officers shall be delegates of an affiliated branch of a trade union.
9.3 On or before leaving office, Officers shall hand over to the Executive Committee all books, cash, keys, papers, and other property of the Council.
9.4 The President and Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all Sub-Committees of the Council.
10. Election of Officers and of Executive Committee members
10.1 The Officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by secret ballot of delegates at the Annual General Meeting.
10.2 Nominations for these positions shall be accepted only from branches whose nominations are received in writing, by the Secretary, before the Annual General Meeting. All nominated candidates must be delegates or life members of the Council at the time of nomination and for the ensuing year.
10.3 Nomination for Officer shall be deemed to be nomination also for Executive Committee.
11. Executive Committee members
11.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers and up to 12 other members, elected from the delegates to Council, plus one member elected by the Women’s Advisory Committee from amongst women delegates.
11.2 In the event of resignation or death of a member of the Executive Committee, the Council shall elect a successor.
11.3 All officers of the Council shall be elected at the Annual Meeting to serve for one year and shall be eligible for re-election.
11.4 At meetings of the Executive Committee 3 elected members, including Officers, shall form a quorum.
12. Duties of Officers
12.1 The President shall:
a) Preside at all meetings of the Council and of the Executive Committee
b) Ensure that the business at meetings, and of the Council generally, is conducted in a proper manner.
12.2 The Vice-President shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President.
12.3 In the absence of both the present and the Vice-President, the meeting shall elect one of the members present to preside.
12.4 The Secretary shall:
a) Attend all meetings of the Council and of the Executive Committee, and of all Sub-Committees. Where a sub-committee has elected its own Secretary, with the approval of the Council, the Secretary’s attendance shall be voluntary.
b) Keep a correct record of the proceedings and conduct the business of the Council in accordance with the rules.
c) Hand on to the Treasurer, without undue delay, any monies received by him/her on behalf of the Council.
d) Prepare and present the Annual Report on behalf of the Executive Committee for submission to the Annual General Meeting.
12.5 The Treasurer shall:
a) Be responsible for all monies entrusted to or received by, him/her on behalf of the Council.
b) Pay all accounts when duly authorised
c) Be able on reasonable notice to give a correct statement of the finances, and produce all monies and vouchers, and deliver the same to any person duly appointed by the Council.
d) Prepare and present the annual balance sheet, on behalf of the Executive Committee, for submission to the Annual General Meeting.
12.6 All cheques shall be signed by least two of the following Officers: President, Secretary or Treasurer
12.7 A Minutes Secretary shall be appointed by Council, from the membership of the Executive Committee, who shall make full notes of the proceedings of Council meetings.
13. Executive Committee meetings
13.1 The Executive Committee shall conduct the detailed business and report to meetings of the Council.
13.2 The funds of the Council shall be administered by the Executive Committee; and no expenditure, except of a routine nature, shall be authorised save with the consent of the Executive Committee, or a clear majority decision of the Council.
13.3 Meetings of the Executive Committee shall normally be held each month but a special meeting may be called in the event of urgent business arising, as and when deemed necessary by the Officers.
14. Deputations
14.1 Any member of Council appointed to attend a conference, or to serve on statutory or other bodies, or to transact business on behalf of the Council, shall:
a) receive second-class rail fare, or equivalent bus or coach fare; and
b) receive a reasonable allowance for hotel and subsistence expenses; and
c) loss of wages
14.2 He/she shall promptly submit a report to the Council.
15. Sub-Committees
15.1 The Council may create sub-committees.
15.2 The Council shall determine the terms of reference of all sub-committees.
16. Proscribed Organisations
In no circumstances shall the Council co-operate with or subscribe to the funds of fascist parties or any subsidiary organisation of these parties; nor with any organisations whose policies or activities are contrary to those of the Trades Union Congress nor subscribe to the funds of any industrial organisation which has been proscribed by the General Council; nor shall the Council subscribe to the funds of any political party
17. The Labour Party
The Council may cooperate with the local Labour Party, providing that no part of the funds of the Council derived from the general funds of affiliated trade unions shall be applied directly or indirectly in the furtherance of the political objects specified in Section 72 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act, 1992
18. Use of Council Name
The unauthorised use by any delegate of the name of the Council is expressly forbidden.
19. Dissolution
If the Council’s annual registration is not renewed, or the Council can no longer operate effectively, the officers shall hand over the funds and property of the Council to the Regional TUC, who must retain these as a provision for the re-establishment of a trades union council in the area, or use for the benefit of trades union councils.
Standing Orders
1) Business shall be taken in the following order:
1. Apologies for non-attendance
2. Welcome to new delegates
3. Minutes of previous Council Meeting
4. Minutes of Sub-Committee Meetings
5. Minutes of Executive Committee Meetings
6. Matters Arising, including resolutions (if any) from Sub-Committee meetings
7. Business left over from previous meetings
8. Correspondence
9. Reports
10. Resolutions from branches which had been considered by the Executive Committee
11. Notice of future meetings and any other relevant matters
12. Any Other Business
2) Notices of motions shall be sent by affiliated branches to the Secretary in writing not less than eight days before the Council Meeting at which they are to be discussed. Such motions should be placed upon the agenda in the order on which they are received by the Secretary, unless otherwise decided by the Executive Committee.
3) The mover of any original motion, but not of an amendment, shall have the right to reply, but no other delegate shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same question unless permission be given to explain, or on a point of order addressed the President, when the remarks made shall be strictly confined to the explanation or point of order. Five minutes shall be allowed to the mover of a resolution, and three minutes for each succeeding speaker. The mover of a resolution shall have three minutes to reply to the discussion, but he or she shall introduce no new matter into his or her reply. The motion shall be put immediately the mover has replied.
The time limit for speakers to shall not apply in special address to Council.
4) If an amendment shall be carried, it shall displace the motion and itself become the substantive motion whereupon any amendment may be moved thereto. The President may demand that all motions and amendments shall be handed up to him or her in writing.
5) When an amendment is made it to an original motion, no second amendment shall be discussed until the first Amendment is disposed of.
6) When the delegates consider a question has been sufficiently discussed, the motion may be proposed that the question now be put. If this proposition is carried, the President shall give the mover of the original motion and the opportunity to reply, after which the motion under discussion shall be put to the vote immediately.
7) The decision of the President on any point of order shall be final, and shall be challenged only if two-thirds of the delegates present support a motion that he or she vacate the chair.
8) In the case for voting being equal, the President may give a casting vote in addition to any vote he or she may have cast as a delegate.
9) No resolution passed by the Council shall we rescinded or amended at the same meeting at which it is passed. One month`s notice of the motion to rescind or amend it, and the terms of such a motion, must be delivered to the Secretary in writing. The resolution shall not be rescinded nor amended except by the consent of a majority of the delegates present when such rescindment or amendment is considered.
10) Any delegate desiring to address the Council must give their name, and that of their union branch and address the President. When any delegate is called to order, they should resume their seat until the point is decided.
11) Any delegate may, for stated purposes, move the suspension of Standing Orders. The motion, on being seconded, shall be forthwith put to the meeting without debate or amendment and, if two-thirds of the delegates present vote in favour thereof, but not otherwise, the suspension moved shall immediately take effect.
Emergency motions shall be considered only when a motion to suspend standing orders for that purpose has been favourably decided.
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