next WB&DTUC meeting

Delegate meeting

7-15pm Thursday 20th February 2025 will be online

This meeting will be online on Microsoft Teams (not zoom)

this is the link

Visitors welcome – only delegates are able to vote

starts 7-15pm


Welcome & introductions to delegates & visitors + apologies

  1. Minutes of last Delegate Meeting (December) & Matters Arising
  2. EC Report and urgent correspondence
  3. Workers Memorial Day plaque
  4. delegate reports: ASLEF, CWU, FBU, MU, NEU, RMT, UCU, UNISON, UNITE
  5. Midlands TUC Executive report
  6. TUCJCC report, HeartUnions and Secretary report
  7. 1st May planning
  8. Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity Campaign
  9. any other business
  10. @8pm speaker Jamshid Ahmadi of CODIR – Committee for Defence of Iranian Peoples Rights CODIR was established in 1981 by a group of British labour and trade union activists in collaboration with Iranian democrats living in exile in the UK. The main aim of the organisation since its inception has been to provide truthful and unbiased information and analysis about the reality of life in Iran. 6 are nationally affiliated trade unions to CODIR include the FBU; NASUWT; RMT; UCU; UNISON; and UNITE.

DELEGATE MEETINGS in 2025 – we meet the 3rd Thursday each month on Microsoft Teams or, when in person, meetings are held at Unite Office, 6 Victoria Square, Wolverhampton WV1 1LD (next to Sainsbury’s Local at bus station, over bridge from train station)

WB&DTUC Executive Committee meetings are Wednesdays at 7.30pm, eight days before delegate meeting

 to read our rules see

Previous meetings and activities


January – AGM Angelina Osborne will present an interim report on her research on our behalf of us on connections to slavery: local manufacture of agricultural implements


December Xmas pub social

November – Nicaraguan trade unionist Flavio Ocampo, Young members officer,
FETSALUD Health workers

October – Gary Clark – British Stammering Association Trade Union Liaison Officer

September – New Deal for Working People, what next? speaker: Fran Heathcote PCS General Secretary

July – international discussion of election results in France, Iran and UK with Warinder Juss MP, John Mullen and Ali Rahimi

June – Adele Williams from Hope for the Future

May – Andrew Maybury, UNISON Caseworker, spoke on organising migrant workers in the care sector and how unscrupulous local employers are treating workers as indentured labour.

April – Kerry Cassidy, GWR driver and member of ASLEF’s Women’s Representative Committee spoke about paid and unpaid leave

March – Amarjite Singh, national Chair of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 1919 Centenary Committee

February with Workshop discussion led by Michael Vaughan UNISON discussing how different unions organise

AGM January – Mick Whelan, ASLEF General Secretary, spoke about their ongoing dispute and the Right To Strike


December – delegate social event

November – Simon Cardy on Palestine

October – three shop stewards from the UNITE strike at ArcelorMittal, (Wolverhampton)  plus Dr Edda Nicolson (UCU) on the history of the General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) see

September – Trades Union Councils debate at Congress see

July – Right to Boycott Bill and campaign

June – Rob Poole from Strike Map

May strike discussion

April – Greater Manchester Hazards video about the importance of Workers Memorial Day

March – Prof Gregor Gall spoke on his forthcoming book – Mick Lynch – The making of a working-class hero

February Nick Kelleher spoke on TUC Solidarity Hub see 

January AGM – Billy Holland FBU West Midlands Regional Secretary spoke on The Right to Strike


15 December – Zahid Ali on outcome of court cases of protesters against sales of arms to Elbit which are then used to kill Palestinians.

17 November – speakers on strikes, Iran update and modern day slavery concerns

20 October – Wolverhampton CWU striker Mark Ward; UNITE Midland Metro striker Jason Gould; update on Iran, Ali Rahimi

15 September – Si Goode ASLEF, Alan Peers RMT, Catherine Lamond UCU all spoke on their local disputes plus Stuart Richardson on Julian Assange campaign.

21 July – Enslavement links project, discussion on way forward, led by Di Weaver

16 June – Dr Catherine Lamond, on the 500 job cuts threatened at Wolverhampton University

19 May – Tony Barnsley branch Sec Sandwell UNISON and Barry Gardiner MP  – Campaigning against Fire and Re-hire

21 April speaker: John Dunn Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign

17 March – Dr Caitlin Adams, Branch President, UCU at the Open University on the UCU’s ongoing campaign of industrial action

17 February – speaker Haydn Jones of UNITE HGV bin drivers, Coventry

20 Jan AGM -speaker Tony Barnsley UNISON Sandwell Leisure Trust strikes


16 December – speaker Joginder Bains, National Secretary of the Indian Workers’ Association on the Indian Farmers victory

18 November – speaker Mick Rice on Union Shop App

21 October – speaker at 8pm from ACORN, The Association of Community Organisations for Reform Now

16 Sept delegate meeting

15 July – speaker Ali Rahimi on the current industrial disputes in Iran

17 June – speaker Sarah Woolley General Secretary BFAWU on the Right to Food campaign

20 May – speaker Simon Dubbins the Palestine Solidarity Campaign Liaison Officer at UNITE the Union -Current situation in Palestine and what trade unionists can do?

1 May – online May Day with speakers, live music and prize quiz

28 April Workers Memorial Day

15 April – speaker Tony Barnsley, Sec UNISON (Sandwell) on the Sandwell Leisure Trust fire and re-hire dispute

18 March – speaker: Harsev Bains, national Vice President of Indian Workers’ Association(GB)  Indian Farmers’ Struggle

18 Feb – speaker on British Gas dispute

January 2021 – AGM speaker  Patrick Vernon, social commentator, campaigner, cultural historian and Wolverhampton-born author of  “100 Great Black Britons

17 December 2020 Freedom for Ӧcalan campaign. Abdullah Ӧcalan is the imprisoned leader of the Kurdish liberation movement and the campaign is in solidarity with both his and the Kurdish people’s struggle for freedom from over a century of brutal repression and genocide

19 November – In the Face of Decline: a critique of institutional labour movement responses to the world steel crisis, 1973-1980 and de-industrialisation of the Black Country Paul Barnsley and Dr. Greig Campbell

15 October- Delegate meeting Social Media and the Law by Dr Grace Millar UCU

17 September- Delegate meeting #BLM: Would mandatory use of  body cams make the police more likely to treat the public decently and equitably? with Simon Foster Police & Crime commissioner candidate

16th July  speakers: Will Cooling – unionisation & #metoo in the professional wrestling industry; Simon Cardy Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity Campaign;  Rob Miller, Director of Cuba Solidarity Campaign Zoom meeting online

18 June- Delegate meeting #BlackLivesMatter discussion Zoom meeting online

21 May, WB&DTUC Delegate Zoom meeting online

1 May,  Workers’ Day,

28 April, 12:30pm  Workers’ Memorial Day

16 April, 7:15pm WB&DTUC Delegate meeting CANCELLED due to lockdown
19 March, 7:15pm WB&DTUC Delegate meeting CANCELLED due to threat of covid

20 February, WB&DTUC Delegate meeting – How to have an organising conversation TUC Education ♥UNIONS webinar

TUC ♥Unions week: 14 February Wolverhampton market, 9 February Bilston Market stall, 8 February  Wednesfield High St

16 January 2020, Annual General Meeting WB&DTUC speaker on India’s anti-muslim laws


Thurs 19 Dec Delegate meeting and social

Thursday  21st November WB&DTUC Delegate meeting speaker Eileen Turnbill Shrewsbury 24 campaign

Thursday 17th October WB&DTUC Delegate meeting – UNITE speaker on HS2

Thursday 19th September WB&DTUC Delegate meeting

Thursday 18th July WB&DTUC Delegate meeting

Sunday 14th July WODENSTOCK  3-6pm Amphitheatre Wednesfield

Thursday 20th June WB&DTUC Delegate meeting  speaker on national Trades Union Council Conference by our delegate, Bob Simm PCS

Thursday 16th May WB&DTUC Delegate meeting with speaker Grace Millar UCU on her research into British Mining post nationalisation

Wednesday 1st May, 7pm Workers’ Day @ Pegasus WV6 0QQ

Sunday 28th April Workers’ Memorial Day 12.30pm @cenotaph/Workers’ Memorial Day Tree, W’ton

Thursday 18th April WB&DTUC Delegate meeting with speaker Dr Francisco Domínguez National Secretary Venezuela Solidarity Campaign

Thursday 21st March WB&DTUC Delegate meeting with speaker Lee Barron Secretary Midlands TUC; presentation of TUC Silver Badge of Merit for long service to our President Marie Taylor and Vice  President Rob Marris

Thursday 21st February WB&DTUC Delegate meeting  with speaker from Police Spies Out of Lives, a campaigning support group working to achieve an end to the sexual and psychological abuse of campaigners and others by undercover police officers.

Heart unions week 9/10 Feb campaigning with flowers in Wednesfield & Bilston

AGM 17 Jan 2019 we showed The Plan 30min film of the pioneering effort by workers at the arms-related company Lucas Aerospace, to defend their jobs by proposing alternative, socially-useful applications of the company’s technology and their own skills.

4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. May 2023 – Wolverhampton TUC
  2. June 2023 secretary’s report – Wolverhampton TUC
  3. September 2023 – Wolverhampton TUC
  4. October 2023 – Wolverhampton TUC

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