April 2015

WB&DTUC Secretary’s Report April 2015

full details of all information below on www.wolvestuc.org.uk


Six volunteers from ASLEF, UNISON & WB&DTUC leafleted 1,500 morning commuters 7-9am at Wolverhampton Railway station as part of the national Action For Rail Campaign day in support of nationalisation of the railways


Electoral registration online is possible up to 20 April www.gov.uk/register-to-vote


Union Reps Stage 1 ten weeks Beckminster House, Birches Barn Road, Wolverhampton WV3 7RJ Monday 20 April 2015 – Mike Edwards 01743 342 531


Wolverhampton Workers’ Memorial Day Tuesday 28th April 2015 @12.30pm at the Cenotaph, St Peter’s Square Wolverhampton WV1 1TS flyers still left for distribution


Friday 1st May Wolverhampton Workers’ Day

Pegasus Whitmore Reans doors open 7pm

Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/1stmaywolverhampton

new official website http://www.1stmaywolverhampton.org.uk

posters and flyers available for distribution now

leafletting sessions around Whitmore Reans 4,000 homes

meet @ pegasus car park ring 07932 797139 if late or available other times

Thursday 16 April @10am

Friday 17 April @10am

Saturday 18th April @2.30pm

Sunday 19th April @2.30pm

Saturday 25th April @10am

Sunday 26th April @ 10.30am



Women Chainmakers’ festival will be on SUNDAY 12th July 2015 organised by Midlands TUC  along Cradley High Street (new venue)


2015 affiliation to WB&DTUC received so far from:

ASLEF, Community (Wolverhampton Craft), Community (Region 4 associates), Community 17000, CWU, GMB, NUT, PCS (Central Valuation), UCATT UE191, UNISON University, UNISON General, UNISON (Sandwell), UNITE-CYW WM7697, UNITE WM6150, UNITE WM6151

please send in other branch affiliations asap.


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