Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council
Delegate Minutes Thursday 19th April 2018
Present:Sis Taylor(UNITE), Whyte (UNISON City) Simm (PCS) Bro Deacon, Everall, Cooper, Pugh (UNISON City) Beuno (Sandwell UNISON), Marris, Kelleher Foxall, Baker, (Unite WM6150) Rahimi (UNITEWM5103), Childs (CWU), Grant (UCU) Brackenridge LP/FBU Clarke (POA ret) + L.Trannah plus 3 WASPI. All introduced and welcomed.
Apologies Bro Simm (PCS), Grant (NEU-NUT), Juss GMB, Martin (MU) Turner (UNISON City) Sis. Dixon (UNISON City)
2. Minutes of April delegate Meeting agreed. Matters Arising – no application for a blue plaque was formally registered despite national petitions and widespread publicity generated by elements of left inconsistent with trades council’s position. UCU Keele sent thanks for £100 hardship fund donation; thanks received – many part time members on low pay; dispute settled after 2 weeks strike.
Correspondence of note
EC followed up with regional offices and contact made with union branches yet to re-affiliate: NASUWT, PCS, RMT, UCU College, UNISON University, UNISON WM Community, UNISON Police, GMB, UNITE-CYW, Unite Community(WM5103) and WM6151 branches.
2018 affiliation only 12 branch affiliations received CWU, UCU University, UNITE WM6150 this week plus ASLEF, Community W’ton Craft, FBU, Musicians Union, NEU-NUT, UNISON Sandwell General, City of Wolverhampton UNISON, UNISON Acute (New Cross), UNITE Faith workers.
New Deal for Working People – TUC March and Rally Saturday 12th May 2018 London – we have 8 train tickets left and UNISON 12 left,
Battersea & Wandsworth TUC formal reply to our complaint that was resolved.
5 places requested from Workers Beer Company Labour Live June 16 festival – no places for Tolpuddle (6 had volunteered) – some other festivals still available to volunteer at until 26 April see website
Tinplate workers – response from Co Leader’s office – Frances O’Grady declined offer for unveiling of plaque – council waiting until after elections – agreed as 200th anniversary is next year so plan something for then. Maybe invite Gen Sec Community or Len McClusky.
Helen Pankhurst (gr.grand-daughter) +book signing – Fri 6 July suggested eve of Chainmakers –Sis Whyte @ Bob Jones centre. need to report progress back to Midlands TUC – Sis Whyte
Sis Taylor written to arrange meeting with Police Superintendent re last August Britain First rally
TUC re compliance with new General Data Protection Regulations by 25 May – EC to look at.
British Future – report published from W’ton stakeholder meeting – concerns raised; response given
£5 WBDTUC History book order from Nielsen Books – book+invoice sent – check if BACS paid -JG; bought: 2 reams paper £5.98, 48x2nd stamps £27.84, inkstamp £1.19; £330 PO Box renewal to Royal Mail Group Ltd
sent Venezuela Solidarity re affiliation £40 – Bro Marris sought a future debate before next re-affiliation – agreed and speaker to be invited.
3,500 UK page views on our website this month, www.wolvestuc.org.uk ; 1,900 reach on Facebook, plus £1/day advertising campaign in last week for 1st May event 1,500 saw advert and 105 made likes/comments/shares etc
delegate reports:
UNITE – very few Carillion claims come in from members; some TUPE, some taken up by new contractors eg prisons and public sector. Ex-UCATT branch now a branch again in UNITE. Local govt. UNITE not accepted pay deal.
Local govt. UNISON accepted pay deal (Green Book).
PCS – awaiting May conference to determine further action over pay claim of 5%. Bro Simm ET still awaiting.
LP – council elections on 3rd May. Delegates Sis Simm and Bro Brackenridge both standing for Labour. Parliamentary selections ongoing.
FBU – trade dispute with fire authority flexible contracts for new recruits must be withdrawn. 24 April ballot.
WBDTUC Secretary’s report – written report circulated.
TUC Pensioners Network Bus Tour campaign – Bro Deacon reported on tour which he is taking part in Skegness to Hereford by bus over 2 weeks. Trade unions representing bus workers given little response. Over 1,000 postcards filled in. In Britain people take more bus than train journeys, yet nationally 1/3rd of funding cut to subsidise half of routes. Most public transport subsidy in London 6x that of NE. Govt. agreed bus pass concessions permanent – was being renewed every 5years.
Workers Memorial Day 28 April – delegates to bring empty shoes to symbolise those whose lives lost.
1st May Committee report – Donation not yet agreed from WBDTUC. Latest donations received £200 GMB x13, £500 UNITE WM6150, £25 Dorothy Clarke nee Heath (Walsall TUC) £1,285 of £1,943 raised so far. Sent TUC Development grant £300 application to Midlands TUC for May day event. 5,000 homes to be leafleted by volunteers this Sat/Sun at 10-15am Pegasus. Still seeking funds
TUC’s Great Jobs Campaign demo 12 May 2018 train transport WBDTUC train tickets still available.
Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity – Bro Deacon campaigning outside HSBC prior to WMDay.
5. speaker at 8pm Lynn Trannah – latest update from WASPI Wolverhampton, Cannock & Staffs – Women Against State Pension Inequality. Agreed £50 donation plus travel expenses.
any other business – none
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