April 2000

W’ton, Bilston & District TUC Secretary’s Report April ’00

2000 affiliations: ASLEF, CWU(W.Midlands), FBU, GMB(W70/Willenhall), GPMU, MSF Craft 13/D, MSF 0558, NASUWT, NATFHE(Bilston), NUT, POA, TGWU 5/748*, TGWU 5/836, UNISON General, UNISON Health, UNISON Healthcare.
Affiliated membership: 11,252 *affiliated but yet to pay
Re-affiliations are overdue, could delegates please chase up their own branches.

Sat 22 April anti-fascist rally in Worcester – NF again are attempting to march in Worcester. Local groups and police are opposing it so may still be banned -details Nick 07932797139 re transport.

Workers’ Memorial Day – Friday 28th April 1pm-1-30pm WMD Tree next to war memorial, St Peters Sq. Industrial Chaplain, speeches, wreath laying. Simon Murphy MEP will be present. Young People’s H&S is this year’s theme.
Remember the dead, fight for the living.

Sat 29 April – B’ham TUC May Day – 1-4pm Union Club, 723 Pershore Rd, stalls and speakers on: Rover, Defend Welfare State, Ireland, anti-racism and Campaign For a Living Wage. Creche. Social 8pm onwards.

Mon 1st May 12noon-3.30pm Penn Ward LP Bar-B-Q & Fete, Woodfield Junior School, Coalway Rd details 

W’ton May Day 1st May 7-11pm – details enclosed. The Committee has been sponsored by UNISON West Midlands and their cross-union Campaign For a Living Wage is the theme. Professional design work has been to produce the quality publicity material in some quantity so contact Nick K asap with requests for material for you to circulate. A lot of effort has gone into this year’s organisation of what should be the best event yet so it is important that it is well supported and delegates should be making the effort.

After campaigning especially in W’ton and Leicester by the IWA, the proposed £10,000 visa bond scheme has been dropped for tourists from Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani visitors, it may however be piloted for other countries.

The police are now treating the deaths of Jason & Error McGowan as racist murders.

The homophobic campaign to keep Section 28 which is being funded in Scotland by the Stagecoach boss is now advertising a FREEPOST address. It costs them 20p for every empty envelope that they receive. It will take a few to eat up their £500,000 so start writing now to Keep the Clause, FREEPOST SCO 5219, Perth PH2 8BR.
No stamps please!

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