December 2010

Secretary’s Report WB&D TUC December 2010

anti-cuts lobby: Next full Council meeting: Wed 15th December 5.30pm; Council Chamber protest meet from an hour before

TUC demo against cuts Saturday, 26 March 2011
Book your place on our London coach…07932 797139

next WB&DTUC meeting Thurs 16th December 7-15pm Civic Centre

this year’s Union Xmas party night fundraiser:
Wednesday 22nd December
@ Revolution Vodka Bar, Princess St , W’ton
8.30pm to 3am
presents Black Harmony Showcase’s DJ Mensah & DJ Mario
PLUS SINGER Sunev Wilson
Entry price frozen for 4th year!!
£3 advance only ring 07932 797139 for tickets/POSTERS/guest list

Available at meeting, in time for Xmas!! Our latest range of stylish anti-fascist t-shirts, hats, anti-Thatcher CD, May Day polo shirts + 2 new mugs or visit if you can’t wait!

No Pasaran! They did not pass. Mobilised at 18 hours notice, a sizable counter demonstration in Wolverhampton's Queen Square prevented the English Defence League's attempt to march though the city to the Cenotaph. Local Hope not Hate and Unite Against Fascism activists, trades unionists and Labour councillors joined the call from our Trades Union Council to oppose the EDL in our city.

Express & Star editorial “Ugly morons who shame our streets with their ignorance
The wasted seed of the bulldog breed brought its snarling ignorance to Wolverhampton – and ugly doesn't begin to describe it. Yet for all their sense of 'history', not one had the decency to wear a brown shirt. Come on boys, know your culture eh?
After 20 minutes standing around, hiding their faces, a big fat pasty bloke crackled an invitation over a megaphone for 'anyone who wants to join us, step forward now'. He would have had more joy selling tickets for a Gary Glitter comeback show. It all went fairly smoothly apart from one potential security flashpoint when the police cordon missed the entire 'EDL Lanesfield Division' lurking behind their lines. Not to worry though, he caught up soon enough.”

2011 affiliation forms have been sent to branches – please help us by chasing up your own branch asap (thanks already to ATL, Community1700, NUT, UNISON University, UNITE 5/998 and new affiliation PCS West Mercia)

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