Secretary’s Report
Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC December 2011
what’s on…… ? sign up for emails on www.wolvestuc.org.uk
Pensions strike
2,000 people, the biggest rally and demonstration in Wolverhampton in living memory.
A testament to the work of the unions involved in the trades union council. This trades union council has shown once again that the power of a collective is greater that it’s constituent parts.
2012 affiliation forms have been sent to branch secretaries – please return asap.
Leafleting of public took place before in Bilston High St, Wednesfield High St, and twice at railway & bus stations. 10,000 rally leaflets distributed. Theatre production and stall.
Appeal for costs towards the Express & Star adverts placed on behalf of the unions. £4,084 spent; donations received from NUT,UCU (College), UCU(University), UNISON(University), UNISON (General) with PCS(West Mercia), UCATT & WB&DTUC pending.
See videos of rally on www.wolvestuc.org.uk unless you work for council as they blocked access!
Rob Johnston new Midlands TUC Secretary to speak at our December 15th meeting
Our AGM will be held on Thursday 19th January 2012
TUC courses at Wolverhampton college Contact mikee@shrewsbury.ac.uk 01743 342531
or Trade Union Studies at Shrewsbury College, London Road, Shrewsbury SY2 6PR
UNION REPRESENTATIVES STAGE 1 10 x Tuesdays 9am-4pm from 17 January 2012
HEALTH & SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES STAGE 1 10 x Wednesdays 9am-4pm from 18 January 2012
Wolves TUC merchandise will be available for sale at the next meeting, for any of those last minute Xmas presents. CDs, mugs, T-shirts, hats etc
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