December 2020

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC Report for December 2020 Wolverhampton TUC on Facebook


next Wolverhampton TUC Delegate meeting Thursday 17th December 7-15pm speaker at 8pm all welcome via Zoom Freedom for Ocalan campaign meeting – Thursday 17th December Wolverhampton TUC zoom meeting at 8pm; Abdullah Ӧcalan is the imprisoned leader of the Kurdish liberation movement and the campaign is in solidarity with both his and the Kurdish people’s struggle for freedom from over a century of brutal repression and genocide.


Wolverhampton unemployment

  • Oct 20 – 16,940 people in Wolverhampton are unemployment claimant count = 10.4% (English average 6.3%) is the highest in the West Midlands and up from 5.9% (9,650) a year before.
  • 3,350 young people 18-24 are unemployed here 15.7%, with male unemployment in this age group at 18.5% (it stood at 10%, a year before)
  • #SaveUnionLearning petition.


PCS petition


USDAW petition against abuse of shop workers


new Spycops public enquiry guide


new TUC report The rise of the far right- building a trade union response – not too impressive, largely about european far-right and claims a 30% support in UK (i.e.Brexit Party voters at the Euro elections)


Amazon workers’ “lives at risk” as employer surveils for union activity, a new report from Amnesty International


NEU – As we know the number of families living in poverty is growing with no sign of relief. It is disgraceful that approximately 1/3 of British children are currently living in poverty.

The link below is for an NEU campaign – No child left behind, which aims to address the issues of access to remote learning, free school meal provision and affordable uniforms. It also highlights inequalities exacerbated by the pandemic. It would be great if colleagues could sign up to support the campaign.


There is one month left for Health & Safety reps to complete the TUC’s two-year survey.

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