End Fire and Rehire

Due to united action by unionised workers, in many cases these scrooge bosses have failed to get their way.
The campaign https://www.endfireandrehire.com/ aims to outlaw the practice and catch up with the basic employment laws of Ireland, Spain and France amongst others.

TUC research showed:

  • Nearly a fifth of (18%) of 18-24 year-olds say their employer has tried to re-hire them on inferior terms during the pandemic.  
  • Working-class people (12%) are nearly twice as likely than those from higher socio-economic groups (7%) to have been told to re-apply for their jobs under worse terms and conditions.  
  • BME workers (15%) have been faced with “fire and rehire” at nearly twice the rate of white workers (8%)  
  • [source https://www.tuc.org.uk/news/fire-and-rehire-tactics-have-become-widespread-during-pandemic-warns-tuc]

at our MAY 2022 meeting on zoom, Barry Gardiner MP spoke on the campaign to stop this evil employment practice which some of Britain’s worst employers have tried to use. Along with Tony Barnsley branch Sec Sandwell UNISON – how we beat Fire & Rehire