February 2012


MINUTES OF Delegate MEETING 16th February2012



Present:  Sis Kelsey (CWU)  Sebastian (UNITE 0758M)

Bros. Turner, Kelleher & Everall (UNISON), Bolton (Coseley UNITE), Juss (GMB), Childs (CWU), Dodd (UNITE 3210M), Rahimi, (UNITE0758M), Iranian bro., Weaver (Midlands TUC)

Apologies:  Bro. J.Grant (UCU), S.Grant (NUT), Marris (UNITE 5/836), Cole (NUT), Thomas (Community), Marriott & Deacon (UNISON Gen.), Baynham (UNITE 0758M), Johnston (Midlands TUC)

Sis Taylor (CYWU/Unite), Petford (UNITE 0758M), Elson (PCS), Ceresa & Sharkey (UNISON Gen), Halfpenny (NUT)


Minutes of December 2011 Agreed a true record

Action points from December meeting & Jan EC, AGM

  1. Contact RMT, ASLEF re possible public meeting.
  2. Contact UCU College re Sylyia Pankhurst firm showing
  3. Request Risk Assessment for Piazza outside Civic
  4. Send letter of thanks to PCS & Thompsons
  5. Sis Sharkey, Ceresa, Sebastian & Bro.J.Grant, Bro. Turner all agreed to proof read a chapter of WB&DTUC History 1865-1990




Executive Committee Report –Correspondence of note:

  1. CWU(Wolverhampton) & GMB X13 affiliations received.
  2. Emma Reynolds alleging “Venezuelan press censorship” – sent to VSC
  3. 8:30 am breakfast meeting Friday 2nd March Wolverhampton Together Refectory, Millennium building, Wolverhampton Uni. Sis. Ceresa to attend
  4. Shrewsbury 24 – in next few weeks submission to Criminal Cases Review Commission www.shrewsbury24campaign.org.uk
  5. TUC Chainmakers’ festival will take place on Saturday June 9th 2012. Fee for our stall/donation £200 agreed to send
  6. TUC re Sat. 31st March  Morning Star Conference ‘For a Peoples Britain, not a Bankers Britain’, London NK & MT agreed as delegates
  7. Bro.Deacon PSC AGM report of  21 Jan 2012 – circulated by email
  8. Cuba solidarity AGM 16 June London, receipt for affiliation yet we have an affiliation cheque of £40 not yet sent – check.

To send

  1. POBox 2917 – renewal £200 to be sent
  2. Venezuela solidarity re-affiliation  £30 agreed
  3. West Mids CND re-affiliation £10 agreed
  4. Workers Beer Co. money to be split with MStar
  5. WMCATUC £38.25 re-affiliation


  1. Composite Chainmakers motion (NUT & ours) to CATUC for Midlands TUC
  2. Our TUC registration 2012 – receipt received
  3. £300 donation to UNISON General re joint union Nov30 pension adverts– receipt received.
  4. Affiliations: Palestine Solidarity £25, Troops Out Movement £20, British Pensioners TU Assoc £20, Haldane Society £20

















Elections: EC positions, TUC conference observers and TUC Annual Conference delegate– Coventry – 12/13th May 2012 – no vacancies were filled

next agenda


Reports on pension campaign, potential action March 28th




SpeakerAlan Weaver Midlands TUC discussed the new Wolverhampton SW TUC organisers’ project and this year’s Chainmakers event. Email from Midlands TUC quoting ‘model rules’ was not relevant for our trades union council. We pointed out that it should have been circulated via the West Midlands TUCJCC rep. Discussed lack of support from two of five of regionally appointed leads for Wolverhampton for Nov 30th.



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