February 2018

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council

Delegate Meeting Thursday 15th February 2018 held at Unite Office, Wolverhampton

  1. Present: Sis Taylor(UNITE), Simm (PCS), Dugmore Whyte (UNISON Gen) Bro Deacon, Everall, Pugh (UNISON Gen) Marris, Kelleher (Unite WM6150) Foxall, Baker (UNITE), Childs (CWU), Simm (PCS) Edwards, Grant (UCU) all introduced and welcomed
  2. apologies Sis Welch (UCU) Bro Grant (NEU-NUT) Martin (MU) Brackenridge (FBU/LP), Bro Juss (GMB) Rahimi (UNITE Community)
  3. Minutes of December delegate meeting approved. No matters arising.
  4. EC Report and Correspondence.

Discussion about the TUC Great Jobs demo May 12th and whether to book train tickets for delegates. Bob Deacon said Unison would be booking coaches for the event – liaise.

A Discussion about the proposed 100th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage event. Paulette is in contact with Helen Pankhurst as a possible speaker. Suggested date July 6th, agreed with Midlands TUC as it is night before Chainmakers

The meeting agreed for Nick to use trades council funds to buy a new computer for general use as secretary (up to £400)

The meeting agreed payment for public liability insurance of £223.

Bob Deacon responded to British Future request for former Enoch Powell supporters to interview. Bob felt it was hard to put together, unhelpfully organised and it seemed British Future only wanted white people to respond.

Discussion about the Free Speech on Israel correspondence shared with Wolverhampton Council. The council offered support and the meeting agreed to send congratulations to Roger Lawrence, Council Leader.

  1. Reports / Discussions

Update on Carillion situation. Some contracts and pensions are being taken on by OCS. Stuart responded on behalf of Unite, there had been a low member response to the task force. BAM are re interviewing for posts. Only 5 responses made to the DWP Help line. No enquiries came from the main office in Wolverhampton.

Secretary Report: Discussion about the Express & Star debate on a Blue Plaque commemorating Enoch Powell and the response from Stand Up to Racism, Petition etc. Opinion was expressed that the issue was a non-starter to begin with since .

PCS & UNITE are holding an event with Mark Serwotka speaking in Wolverhampton on 15th of March. Suggested as a joint meeting with Trades Delegate meeting at 18:00, 30 minutes before public meeting. Venue is Britannia Hotel.

Update on Heart Unions event trades council organised. Good turnout from members and Labour Party on both days, flowers handed out, pictures taken with public and MP Emma Reynolds, Markets did not charge fees. Thanks were given to Tim Martin of Musicians Union. Marie moved to thank Nick and Ali for organising flowers. BFAWU not responded to our offer of future street stall after they were unavailable during heartunions week.

Discussion about costs and wages from the Workers Beer Company at festival Events and whether to continue attending. Glastonbury and other festivals charge WBCompany very large fee just for setting up which has increased costs and the re-enumeration for volunteers’ work has now fallen below NMW rates.(£7/hr) Not had answer to our points formally from Battersea and Wandsworth TUC -agreed not to work for the WBC/EBC while the rate paid for volunteer work remains below the National Minimum Wage.

After 19 years of our trades union council sending teams to festivals via WBC, the income that have we received from our volunteers’ work at festivals has been the main source of our income, over £38k.

Our work as a trades union council involves promoting trade union membership and highlighting illegal employment practices. We are not prepared to be involved in an industry that relies on illegal pay rates. Delegates also discussed their Terms and Conditions:

WBC offers a valuable package to the registered organisations to facilitate their fundraising – for each hour the volunteers work the value to organisations is £10.50,(this includes transport to/from the event, two meals per day and two drinks when their shift has ended and £7.00 directly back to the organisation”.

We believe that this statement may well breach the Employment Rights Act 1996 sections 13-27, the modern successor of the 19th Century Truck Acts.


Discussion about Workers Memorial Day on 28th of April. Empty shoes are to be placed for lost workers, Purple Ribbons to be ordered £30 from Gr. Manchester Hazards. Eleanor Smith MP is a speaker.

An Update from the May Day Committee. The meeting agreed to pay Beat Goes Bang to perform, funding to be sought.

Bob Deacon represented Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity, demonstration to be held on Saturday 17th March outside Wolverhampton HSBC.

  1. Meeting agreed to send Paulette and Bob Simm to Midlands TUC AGM 24 Feb as Delegate and Observer.
  2. Speaker Mike Edwards (UCU) spoke on West Park school class of 68 commemorations and the school project West Park Welcomes the World plus events being organised re Rivers of Blood anniversary.
  3. AOB Meeting agreed to uphold decision of not supporting the Anniversary events against Enoch Powell.

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