Wolverhampton TUC Report for delegates February 2021
Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC www.wolvestuc.org.uk info@wolvestuc.org.uk
2021 WB&DTUC officers elected:
President (Chairperson) Marie Taylor UNITE CYW
Vice-President Bob Simm UNITE WM/6150
Secretary Nick Kelleher UNITE WM/6150
Treasurer John Grant UCU
Asst./Minutes Sec. vacant
Executive Committee Clare Simm PCS, Grace Millar UCU – there are vacancies
Thanks to branches that have so far re-affiliated for 2021:
received: ASLEF, GMB X13, Musicians’ Union, NEU, UNISON City of Wolverhampton, UNISON Sandwell, UNITE WM6150, UNITE WM/5203 (Ret Mem) and UNITE W’ton Homes
Shrewsbury 24 Campaign From: Eileen Turnbull, Secretary and Researcher, “I am delighted to report that the pickets’ case will be heard by the Court of Appeal on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th February 2021. We will provide updates on https://www.shrewsbury24campaign.org.uk/
This is an historic event for the whole trade union and labour movement.
This will be a great day for the pickets, which could not be achieved without the solidarity and support that we have received from Trades Councils.”
TUC ♥Unions week #HeartUnions week 8-14 Feb 21.
We are seeking local positive union anecdotes for social media.
We are unable to do our usual activities, so spent £50 on Facebook Join a union adverts.
Campaign planning for union activists Wednesday 10 February 2pm – 4pm Midlands TUC Workshop
Value of unions in the West Midlands – Thursday 11 February 6pm Midlands TUC Webinar
Invitation to sign up to this year’s TUC Equality Conferences at www.tuc.org.uk/TUCconferences The conferences are open to all regional observers and union members who are represented by the conference equality strand (i.e. LGBT+ union members for the LGBT+ conference, women union members for the Women’s Conference etc). Attendees are encouraged to sign up at least two weeks before the start of each conference to ensure they receive the relevant information and to submit any access requests, although sign up will remain open until the day before each event.
LGBT+ Conference (25-26 February)
Women’s Conference (3-5 March)
Disabled Workers Conference (10-11 March)
Black Workers Conference (19-21 March)
Young Workers Conference (27-28 March)
Body worn video – BLM campaign. – sent to contacts in UNISON, UNITE, PCS, GMB to pass onto SOGs. Raise issue of stop and search figures with current PCC David Jamieson.
research into Wolverhampton/Staffordshire links to slave owners paid state compensation at abolition. £2,100 now raised by donations: GMBX13 £1,050, UNITE WM6150 £500, UNISON City of Wolverhampton £250 and TUC Development grant £300. Could be expanded if further donations arise. GM will draw up an advert for the researcher. Motion could be sent to Midlands TUC AGM?
TUC Midlands Women in Leadership 2021 course
This very successful course will be running again in 2021. This course is for women trade union reps who want to develop their leadership positions within the union movement or build their CV skills to advance into leadership roles within their organisation or community.
From public speaking and leadership styles to communication skills and research projects looking at equality in the workplace, this course will involve six days of learning, as well as project work in between classes.
The course will help you understand: What is leadership? Leadership skills Leadership styles Public speaking Organising skills Media skills (including social media)
The course will run over 6 consecutive Wednesdays online from 5 May, as in previous years, will culminate with the TUC Women Chainmakers’ Festival on Saturday July 3rd. FIND OUT MORE / REGISTER
analysis of UK Coronavirus response https://wolvestuc.org.uk/index.php/health-a-safety5/50-has-info/1048-analysis-of-uk-coronavirus-response
Wolves TUC 2020/21 Annual report https://wolvestuc.org.uk/index.php/secretarys-reports/94-2020-reports/1042-annual-report-plan-of-action-2020-21-wolverhampton-tuc
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