February 2006 Secretary’s Report WB&DTUC
2006 WB&D TUC Officers elected – President: Dave Cole (NUT)
Vice-President: Marie Taylor (CYWU) Secretary: Nick Kelleher (UNISON)
Treasurer: John Grant (NAHTFE) Minutes Secretary :Marion Halfpenny (NUT)
Executive Committee: Satwant Sagoo, Don Ash, Paul Davis (UNISON)
Auditor: Adrian Turner (UNISON)
Lesbian & Gay TUC observer: Bob Deacon (UNISON)
Black Workers’ TUC observer: Paul Davis
Disability TUC observer: Paul Davis
Trades Union Councils conference delegate: Nick Kelleher
WMCATUC Nick Kelleher, Bob Deacon (2 delegates needed – only 3 meetings left this year) Women’s TUC observer – none elected put on future agenda
Dozens braved the freezing temperatures in Queen Square, 1st Feb to hold a candlelight vigil. WB&D TUC & STW called the protest in response to a call by Military Families Against the War to mark the 100 pointless deaths of British soldiers in the illegal war in Iraq. Coverage on Radio Wolf, Heart FM & Morning Star. Names of all the dead soldiers were read out and a call was made to join the 18th March national London demo calling for withdrawal of British troops from Iraq & Afghanistan.
TU branches affiliated for 2006: Amicus-GPM, Amicus 3120M (Craft), Amicus 0758, ASLEF, Community(Hall Palm), CWU(W.Mids & Worcs), CYWU, FBU, NASUWT, NATFHE (University), NUT, TGWU 5/836, UNISON General, UNISON PCT 11,700 affiliated trade unionists
Wed 22 Feb 7.45pm Injustice (15) Lighthouse Cinema, Fryer St, Wolverhampton www.light-house.co.uk £4.90/£3.70 Moving and hard-hitting film documenting the deaths – mainly black deaths – of people held in police custody in this country. Screening includes Q & A session with filmmaker Ken Fero.
Venezuela Solidarity Campaign presents Llaguno Bridge – Keys to a Massacre
Thurs 2 March LightHouse 6.30 pm FREE – donations welcome Cuban documentary that unmasks the conspiracies and plots leading up to the so-called massacre at the Llaguno Bridge, prelude to the coup d’etat of April 2002. Venezuelan media twisted facts and news reality to blame the massacre on President Chávez and the Bolivarians defending themselves against the shock troops of the Caracas Police
FRIDAY, 24th MARCH 7.30pm UNITED REFORM CHURCH, Lea Road, Wolverhampton
Speakers: Judith Cavanagh, Christian Aid, Rob Marris MP. Refreshments & literature ALL WELCOME
Holocaust Memorial Day, had a good turnout of over 70 people. WB&DTUC laid a wreath alongside other trade unions. All MPs attended but whole event was dominated by church groups. It certainly lost the anti-fascist theme that we introduced when we established this event before handing it back to the council leader.
£1.5 million Lottery Fund awarded to enable work to start on the rebuilding of the Cradley Workers Institute in the spring. It has already been removed from its original site and is in storage at the Black Country Museum awaiting the bid’s outcome. Kate Howe, Museum curator said ‘This is great news for working people as the Institute was originally built from the surplus of the Women Chainmakers’ strike fund. Once rebuilt the Workers Institute will be available for union meetings and conferences ‘. TUC has awarded £9,000 to support the Annual Women Chainmakers festival, this year to be held in September. The 2005 festival was attended by over 2,000 people and saw reconstructions of principle moments of the ten week long strike which laid the foundations of the campaign for a minimum wage. Roger McKenzie said: ‘This is great news for the festival and shows the support of the TUC for what we hope will become a major trade union event. The money from the TUC will help promote the festival, involve young people and support the costs of running the festival itself”
STOP PRESS: BNP leafleted part of Wednesfield N last week. Rumours of possible council candidates in Bushbury and Bradley as well. Contact WB&DTUC with any info or if you want to get involved in local anti-fascist activity.
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