January 2014

Secretary’s Supplementary Report for AGM January 2014 

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC   www.wolvestuc.org.uk       info@wolvestuc.org.uk


  • 2014 WB&DTUC officer nominations received  from UNITE WM/6150 and NUT:


President (Chairperson)       Marie Taylor – CYW-Unite

Vice-President                       Rob Marris UNITE WM/6150

Secretary                                Nick Kelleher – UNISON Gen

Treasurer                                John Grant – UCU

Minutes Secretary                 Marion Halfpenny – NUT

Publicity Officer                     Jenny Battell  – NASUWT


  • Elections to be taken at AGM for 2014 TUC Equality conference observers:


Women’s TUC              Wed 12th – Fri 14th March  [deadline 17-1-14]

Black Workers’ TUC    Fri 11th – Sun 13th April   [deadline 7-3-14]

Disability TUC               Wed 28 & Thurs 29 May  [deadline 13-4-14]

LGBT TUC                             Thurs 26 & Fri 27 June  [deadline 2-5-14]

All of these conferences are taking place at Congress House, London.


  • Elect our delegate Trades Union Councils conference in Cardiff Sat 14th  & Sun 15th June  [deadline 9-5-13]    -Motions for conference (deadline 31-3-14]


  • Nomination to be made for West Midlands TUCJCC rep [deadline 31-3-14]


  • 19 branches still to re-affiliate – Thanks to branches that have re-affiliated for 2014: 

ASLEF                               Community 17000                           NUT    

UNISON University                  UNITE WM6150                       UNITE WM 6151


Website update – our views have rocketed tenfold already in 2014 we’ve had 5,000 views in the last week!! Most are viewing our minimum wage article.



this Saturday (18th Jan) 

11am leafleting in Queens square for launch of Peoples Assembly

please come along and help for a while  – contact Ian 07953 647479 


next Saturday 25th January 11am@Arena Theatre Black Country Peoples assembly launch for which we have had a £980 grant for the Midlands TUC


10,600 disabled people died within 6 weeks of their disability benefits being stopped by Atos/DWP between January and November 2011,  and then they stopped counting.

At 8am on Wednesday February 19th  @  Atos, Wolverhampton Assessment Centre, Ground Floor and First Floor, 15-17 Pearl Assurance House, Waterloo Road, Wolverhampton, WV1 4DJ

 there will be 144 demonstrations outside Atos centres all over Britain called by the group Anonymous  https://www.facebook.com/ATOSNationalDemo

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