Wolverhampton, Bilston & District
Trades Union Council
MINUTES of DELEGATE MEETING of Thursday 17th July 2008
( The meeting was held at the Clarendon Hotel due to the council strike)
Sisters: Halfpenny (NUT), Taylor (CYWU /UNITE), Petford (AMICUS/UNITE) Ceresa (UNISON), Walters (ATL), Kelsey (CWU), McDonald (speaker)
Brothers: Kelleher (UNISON), Bechler(ATL), Clarke (POA), Goodall(UNISON Health), Deacon (UNISON), Turner(UNISON), Farmer (UNISON), Cole (NUT), Bostock (POA), Muir (CYWU UNITE), Cotton (CWU)
1. INTRODUCTIONS – Delegates and the visiting speaker were welcomed and introduced themselves. Apologies were received from Bros. Grant (UCU), Childs (CWU), Marriot (UNISON), Marris (UNITE), Ash (UNISON)
2.6 should be “Scrutiny Panel” not “Trades Council”, with this correction were agreed to be a true record
Matters Arising
3(a) Re international forum Bro. Kelleher will circulate the information.
6 £2.50 for the History of WB&DTUC there are 100 left to sell or distribute. Bro Clarke may be able to get scanned in and Bro Cole will update the current booklet.
3. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT 10.07.08 matters arising:
3a) Correspondence
3a) 1 LRD workers’ Rights info in Polish 3 copies purchased £6.30 available for use on stalls etc.
3a) 3 EDM 1604 anti-union laws campaign Ken Purchase only local MP to sign.
3a) 4 British Pensioner agreed to request to write to MP’s regarding extension of free bus pass to include coaches in England as in other parts of the country. Also need to question why over 60s cannot travel after 23.00 hours!
3a) 6 Abortion Rights victory for women. Model letters to MPs re securing rights were available at meeting. All Wolverhampton MPs voted to defend the abortion laws.
a) Secretary’s report – £50.00 donation agreed to Derby TUC for Searchlight Day School. Rally against red, white and blue festival Codnor Derbyshire 16.08.08 http://nobnpfestival.wordpress.com. Agreed to donate to this.
Chainmakers festival we will give out respect yourself join a trade union postcards
Obituaries for Jack Collingswood and Maureen Green – a toast was given to Maureen and Jack ‘wherever they may be now’.
b) Treasurer – Funds stable and raised £585 from Glastonbury volunteers. There are 2 places for the Leeds festival with the Workers Beer Company.
c) Delegates’ Workplace reports-
NUT pay dispute – balloting again in autumn and to work with other public sector unions to get a united campaign going. Anti academies work is continuing. Have been patient in Wolverhampton for too long. In process of drafting a letter to councillors to discuss matter and then hold public meeting. Targets for secondary schools used as threat to turn them into academies 638 schools, 28 of which are academies, currently to not meet targets!!
UNISON Pay Campaign – Strike 16th and 17th July has had national and local radio and TV coverage. Way forward with dispute was discussed. The 2 days may not have convinced employers that more money is needed. The union needs better organisation in some parts of the city workforce. Congratulations were given from fellow trade unionists over the 2 days action.
POA trade union rights- Dispute continues. Case being prepared for European Court of Human Rights – hopefully November. Support may be needed with the NHS staff side council. Many work in Rampton etc. POA not recognised in some areas e.g. recognised in some areas e.g. special hospitals. Any group such as this would have support from Trades Council.
AMICUS UNITE health section- health Workers have rejected pay settlement and will take action. Mental health services are some of the worst in the country- having a peer review and may become privatised or then taken away from PCT.
UNISON health – Hospital is going for foundation status. No fight back. Difficult to raise objections by public as the trade unions help to raise these issues.
CYWU UNITE – Youth Workers getting “year on pay cuts” 2.5% ballot to ask members to work to rule and possible strike in October
d) TUC LGBT national conference written report back was tabled. Questions & comments to Bro. Deacon at next meeting.
e) Midlands TUC no report
f) Anti BNP campaign – no planned meetings of Wolverhampton Together. Campaign from Searchlight may be more localised in future. Are music festivals or working with local community more effective? This is an ongoing discussion. Weekend School in Wolverhampton 22nd November 2008 – Sis Taylor to enquire.
g) Palestine Solidarity – No report.
h) Cuba Solidarity – Various issues raised. Human Rights, Lloyds Bank, Merchandise, Join local group £5.00 per year or £2 low waged.
5. No motions
6. Speaker: Di McDonald on Weapons of Mass Destruction Awareness Programme
DVD shown of ‘Deadly Cargo’ about Trident transportation through Britain. Emergency services are very involved with nuclear safety. These cargoes come close to Wolverhampton but now use the Toll road. There followed an interesting discussion about the danger of nuclear. Leaflets drawing attention to the convoy were distributed. The numbers to contact if seen are north – 0845 4588365, south- 0845 4588364. Website www.nukewatch.org.uk
7. AOB Propose and agree to pay Di McDonald’s Expenses and a £50 donation to campaign.
A new delegate commented on how interesting he had found the meeting and thanked the trades council and Di McDonald for the hospitality.
There was some discussion about the different venue.
The meeting closed at 9pm
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