minutes of Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council delegate meeting
Thursday 21st July 2011 www.wolvestuc.org.uk
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Welcome & introductions Present: Sis Petford (UNITE), Taylor(CYWU-Unite), Bro. Everall, Turner, Kelleher & Deacon (UNISON Gen), Grant (NUT) Bostock (POA), Baynham & Rahimi (UNITE 5/0758), Purchase & Marris(UNITE 5/836) apologies: Bro. Grant (UCU) Juss(GMB), Cole (NUT) Marriott (UNISON), Bechler (ATL) Sis Halfpenny (NUT), Brealey, Sharkey & Ceresa(UNISON) Sebastian (UNITE), Kelsey(CWU), Halfpenny(NUT), Brealey(UNISON)
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Minutes of last meetingagreed; matters arising Written to Emma Reynolds re Morning Star Campaign Against anti-TU laws – Invite speaker future meeting arrange as public meeting. PSC financial appeal agreed £50 to be sent Apply for TUC Development grant FOI request re Chief Exec pay as election agent List of local tenants groups to be sought Sylvia Pankhurst possible film showing Mode 4 letter to euro MPs
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Executive Committee Report weblink exchange with jobs agency – check with PCS branch Burston strike school rally £25 donation agreed to Coventry BPTUAA seats £7.50 Invite speaker on new Agency Worker laws
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Wolverhampton Against Cuts replaces Wolverhampton Public Services Union Alliance – agreed at open meeting (minutes circulated and agreed) in order to begin to develop a wider anti cuts campaign – order a new banner UCU branches re-affiliated UCU, PCS, NUT and ATL strike over pensions, pay, cuts on 30th June – successful local joint action by unions. Numerous pickets were held, an impromptu march and 200 strong rally. In a half hour rally there were speeches from Gail Cartmail, Assistant General Secretary of UNITE the union, Tony Tonks national executive and local trade unionists: Debra Elson PCS, Stuart Grant NUT, Brenda Walters & Sam Bechler ATL, John Grant UCU, Nick Kelleher WB&DTUC, Adrian Turner UNISON and Dave Jones CWU. 70 letters sent to MPs from pensions street stall
street stalls to be led by individual union branches, with WB&DTUC support over summer
A Save our Services Picnic. West Park September 3rd around the bandstand, bring a picnic. Possibly leaflet in the area, few speeches and have our lunch.
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delegates' workplace reports:
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Midlands TUC report– all anti-cuts work reports were from various trades union councils rather than trade unions. Union levy agreed to fund regional TUC, new secretary expected soon.
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Secretary’s report TUC Chainmakers Sept 17th & Midlands TUC demo against Lib Dems Sunday 18 Sept Stewards needed for both events. Leaflet produced by WB&DTUC advertising both events – 500 distributed @ Tolpuddle by NK,MT,SS,AR for: Our banner on biggest Tolpuddle march ever; up to 10,000 reported
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May Day Committee£270 short for this year – approach UNISON General. 3rd planning meeting next week. Press report of potential sale of Pegasus as care home to be checked
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Palestine Solidarity – Greek government prevented flotilla to Palestine. Now an offence in Israel to campaign for boycott of settlement goods.
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Speakers from Bombardier unions unable to attend due to negotiations. Report given on the fightback & demo (23 July, Derby) to stop the destruction of 13,000 related jobs. Discussion on manufacturing. No research being done in UK
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Any other business:
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