July 2011




minutes of Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council  delegate meeting


Thursday 21st July 2011                               www.wolvestuc.org.uk




Welcome & introductions

Present:  Sis Petford (UNITE), Taylor(CYWU-Unite),

Bro. Everall, Turner, Kelleher & Deacon (UNISON Gen), Grant (NUT) Bostock (POA), Baynham & Rahimi (UNITE 5/0758), Purchase & Marris(UNITE 5/836)

apologies: Bro. Grant (UCU) Juss(GMB), Cole (NUT) Marriott (UNISON), Bechler (ATL)

Sis Halfpenny (NUT), Brealey, Sharkey & Ceresa(UNISON)  Sebastian (UNITE), Kelsey(CWU), Halfpenny(NUT), Brealey(UNISON)




Minutes of last meetingagreed; matters arising 

Written to Emma Reynolds re Morning Star

Campaign Against anti-TU laws – Invite speaker future meeting arrange as public meeting.

PSC financial appeal agreed £50 to be sent

Apply for TUC Development grant

FOI request re Chief Exec pay as election agent

List of local tenants groups to be sought

Sylvia Pankhurst possible film showing

Mode 4 letter to euro MPs













Executive Committee Report

weblink exchange with jobs agency – check with PCS branch

Burston strike school rally £25 donation agreed to Coventry BPTUAA seats £7.50

Invite speaker on new Agency Worker laws







Wolverhampton Against Cuts   replaces Wolverhampton Public Services Union Alliance – agreed at open meeting (minutes circulated and agreed) in order to begin to develop a wider anti cuts campaign – order a new banner

UCU branches re-affiliated

UCU, PCS, NUT and ATL strike over pensions, pay, cuts on 30th June – successful local joint action by unions. Numerous pickets were held, an impromptu march and 200 strong rally. In a half hour rally there were speeches from Gail Cartmail, Assistant General Secretary of UNITE the union, Tony Tonks national executive and local trade unionists: Debra Elson PCS, Stuart Grant NUT, Brenda Walters & Sam Bechler ATL, John Grant UCU, Nick Kelleher WB&DTUC, Adrian Turner UNISON and Dave Jones CWU.  70 letters sent to MPs from pensions street stall


street stalls to be led by individual union branches, with WB&DTUC support over summer


A Save our Services Picnic. West Park September 3rd around the bandstand, bring a picnic. Possibly leaflet in the area, few speeches and have our lunch.


















delegates' workplace reports:

  1. UNISON – no strike expected until next year due to ballot process delays. September 6th Pensions Day. £27million cuts feared in autumn
  2. POA 97% rejection on 61% turnout to oppose pension cuts. 123 redundancies at Birmingham 8 prisons up for privatisation in NE. All Probation Service up for possible privatisation.
  3. UNITE, NUT, ATL expecting more industrial action
  4. NUT led discussion on Academy schools and campaigns against




Midlands TUC report– all anti-cuts work reports were from various trades union councils rather than trade unions. Union levy agreed to fund regional TUC, new secretary expected soon.




Secretary’s report

TUC Chainmakers Sept 17th & Midlands TUC demo against Lib Dems Sunday 18 Sept

Stewards needed for both events.  Leaflet produced by WB&DTUC advertising both events – 500 distributed @ Tolpuddle by NK,MT,SS,AR for: Our banner on biggest Tolpuddle march ever; up to 10,000 reported




May Day Committee£270 short for this year – approach UNISON General.

3rd planning meeting next week. Press report of potential sale of Pegasus as care home to be checked






Palestine Solidarity – Greek government prevented flotilla to Palestine. Now an offence in Israel to campaign for boycott of settlement goods.




Speakers from Bombardier unions unable to attend due to negotiations. Report given on the fightback & demo (23 July, Derby) to stop the destruction of 13,000 related jobs.

Discussion on manufacturing. No research being done in UK




Any other business:

  1. Searchlight’s anti-Edl booklet When Hate Comes to Town, agreed to purchase 7 copies @£5ea and send to: Roger Lawrence, Methodists, Bob Jones, Wolverhampton Together, police
  2. TUCJCC reportfrom Sis.Heath – it has been agreed to hold the national trades union councils’ conference in Coventry in 2012 and at Congress House, London in 2013
  3. £25 agreed to Defend Yunus Baksh Campaign who after winning ET for unfair dismissal on union grounds and has won his job back. NHS Employers ignoring ET ruling.
  4. £15 of our merchandise sold, £5 Shrewsbury 24 DVD purchased



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