Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC
Secretary’s Report JULY 2012 sign up for emails on www.wolvestuc.org.uk
The TUC organisers will be running Community Activist training on Saturday 21st July from 9.30 – 4pm at the Wolverhampton Youth Council offices in Bond Street, which will be looking at sharing ideas and experiences around campaigning. There will be a mixture of people who have a variety of experiences, for some people it maybe to learn new skills and for others a chance to refresh their knowledge and meet other like minded people. Lunch will be provided on the day, free of charge. tucwestmidsaction@tuc.org.uk to register
A 12-week consultation with Wolverhampton residents into proposals to create a series of community hubs in the city has been suspended until the Scrutiny board meet on July 17.
Local libraries are under threat https://www.facebook.com/groups/257054804410440/
TUC courses: 10-week courses based in Bilston
contact mikee@shrewsbury.ac.uk 01743 342531
Shop Stewards Stage 1 (from Tuesday 18 Sept)
H&S Stage 1 (from Wednesday 19 Sept)
See wolvestuc.org.uk to sign the online petition:
“We call on Wolverhampton City Council not to extend its waste disposal contract with Veolia” – a company involved with building transport links across Palestinian land into territory occupied illegally under International law.
£1,260 raised so far for this year’s 1st May event costs of £1,400.
27 Branches affiliated for 2012 including new affiliations of Prospect(Midlands) & Community(Midlands)plus ASLEF, ASPECT, ATL, Community (Hall Palm), Community 17000, CWU (West Midlands), CWU (Wolverhampton), FBU, GMB X13, NASUWT, NUT, PCS(West Mercia) , POA, UCATT, UCU City College, UCU (University),UNISON Acute Health, UNISON General, UNISON Police Staff, UNISON University, UNITE 5/836, UNITE 5/998, UNITE 3120M, UNITE 0758M, UNITE-CYWU.
A question from Michael Meacher MP to the Prime Minister simply and effectively setting out a class economic alternative to austerity:
“Given that the richest 1,000 persons in Britain made gains of £155 billion in the past three years of austerity, why will the Government not charge those gains at the capital gains tax rate, which would bring in about £40 billion? That would be enough, without any increase in public borrowing, to generate 1 million or more jobs. It would be far better to cut the deficit in that way—through growth, rather than through the Chancellor’s failed slump.”
The TUC is to organise a mass demonstration in London, under the banner of:
For a future that works
on Saturday 20th October 2012
A march through central London will culminate in a rally in Hyde Park.
Contact us now to book a coach seat
info@wolvestuc.org.uk 07932797139
Demo Against Tories Sunday 7 Oct Birmingham
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