Secretary’s Report JUNE 2005 Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC
TU branches affiliated for 2005: 13,600 affiliated trade unionists
Amicus-GPM, Amicus 13/D Craft, Amicus 0758, ASLEF, Community (Hall Palm), CWU (W.Mids & Worcs.), CYWU, FBU, GMB X13, NASUWT, NATFHE(Wulfrun), NUT, TGWU 5/748, TGWU 5/836, UNISON General, UNISON Health, UNISON PCT
Previously affiliated branches still to affiliate this year:
Amicus (Bilston), CWU (W’ton), GMB (Rover), GMB(Bilston), NATFHE (Bilston), NATFHE (University), POA, RMT, TGWU(NULMW), UNISON University. Can delegates help chase these up?
The next delegate meeting is Thurs 16th June. Roger McKenzie, Regional TUC Secretary has launched a discussion seeking our views on the future roles of Trades Union Councils, the regional TUC and how we all work effectively together. We will be discussing our views.
Tolpuddle weekend – 15-17 July maybe a coach from Coventry TUC – contact Nick asap
Thurs 21st July delegate meeting speaker will be: Corin Redgrave (Guantanamo Human Rights Commission) – please do your best to attend.
Sat 23rd July annual solidarity Garden Party – details circulated
4th – 8th August 2005 From Birmingham TUC: Annual Delegation to the north of Ireland
The delegation enables people to see the reality of life in Belfast
• Attend discussion workshops and Visit community centres
• Visit an area under attack from Loyalists
• Participate in the West Belfast Community Festival
• Take part in the annual march and rally.
Troops Out Movement 0121 773 8683 or 0797 017 4167
Email: Website:
As usual there is no August WB&DTUC delegate meeting
Racist bastard warning: Bernard Manning is appearing at the Robin 2 in Bilston on 20 August – last time he was in Wolves we helped organise a huge protest – anyone up for it?
Email list – many delegates & contacts receive regular email alerts of events and other interesting & useful trade union information from WB&DTUC.
If you have email but do not get WB&DTUC mailings then send an email to: and you will be added to our list.
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