Thursday 20th March 2008
BROTHERS: Kelleher (UNISON General), Rahimi (ARC), Grant (UCU City College), Cole (NUT), Bostock (POA), Deacon (UNISON General), Hardacre (ASPECT), Muir (CYWU), Childs (CWU), Hall (POA), Willis (UCU) (Guest Speaker), Baynham (AMICUS), Clarke (POA), Goodall (UNISON Health)
SISTERS: Brealey (UNISON General), Petford (AMICUS Unite), Halfpenny (NUT), Welch (UCU), Ceresa (UNISON General)
Brothers – Ash (UNISON General), Marriot (UNISON General), Marris (Unite TGWU), Juss (GMB),
Sisters – Kelsey (CWU),
1. Introductions
Delegates and visiting speaker were welcomed and introduced themselves. Apologies received.
2. Minutes of Meeting 21st Feb. 2008 – correction Petford (AMICUS) should be listed as Sis. Petford. Agreed correct.
Matters Arising:
5(c) A letter has been drafted regarding POA by Bro Hardacre
4(g) Bro Hardacre can attend Annual Trades Union Council Conference 14th – 15th June
3. EC Report: tabled.
11) Cuba Solidarity Campaign agreed to re-affiliate £30. Bro Cole will bring appropriate resolution to next delegate meeting
17) Motion from POA sent to National TUC
Correspondence was circulated.
4. Reports and discussion
a) Secretary – written report circulated – 2 branches to affiliate UCU College and UCU University, 21 affiliated. Still some website problems.
b) Treasurer – finances are quite good since affiliations received.
c) Midlands TUC – delegates who had attended found the meeting dull! Uncertain as to the value of the academic exercise on Globalisation in the Midlands and panel discussion. Still querying the process of electing women to the executive. Always an election for women’s places but other places are unfilled. Agreed to send a brief letter from Bro Kelleher sharing concerns.
d) Delegates’ Workplace Reports – UNISON – Update on single status, still problems, no industrial; action at present.
POA- a detailed pack was distributed to delegates, containing relevant correspondence, motions and conference papers. It demonstrated how disingenuous Labour politicians became once in power.
NUT- Anti academies campaign continues and Bro Purchase
MP has furnished the union with evidence that Wolverhampton may not have to have an academy. Bro Cole will raise this with councillors and officials.
UNITE-CYWU- Cuts from Youth budget last year and this members will be facing compulsory redundancies.
e) Anti-BNP campaign – 8th – 30th April leafleting wards where fascists are standing. Volunteers needed. Possible local leaflets to be designed- cost was discussed. Ward maps are available from last year. Agreed to order 10, 000 searchlight leaflets for distribution as cheapest means.
Wolverhampton Together – Sis Ceresa and Taylor attended from WB&DTUC and Sis Welch from UCU on 13th March next meeting is after the election in May. Seems to be a reluctance to involve schools. There will be a campaign led by the council and Wolves players to show there is no place in Wolverhampton for racism using billboards, posters on buses etc for election period. This campaign will not replace work done by WB&DTUC.
f) May Day Committee – Volunteers needed particularly for Bouncy Castle. 6.30pm to set up on 1st May. Ken Purchase to speak against academies. A good variety of entertainment has been booked. Venue is the Pegasus Pub again.
g) Workers’ Memorial Day – 28th April 2008 12.30 Speakers from branches are needed to raise Health and Safety issues.
h) Palestinian Solidarity – no report
i) Cuba Solidarity – no report
5. Speaker – Bro. Willis from UCU Keele on the campaign to save jobs and demonstration on 3rd April
In the School of Economics and management Studies the Industrial Relations School is prominent. There are 11 lecturers who have developed a left wing critical approach to management studies. Fall in student numbers across the board at Keele. Lack of proper consultation. 9 out of the 11 likely to be sacked and of the whole school 38 out of 67. There has been a one day strike, boycotts, leafleting etc and senior management are worried. A good discussion followed the speakers input and delegates were urged to go to support the action on 3/4/08.
6. Any Other Business – There was no other business as it was 8.45pm.
Next meeting Thursday 17th April 2008 7.15pm Civic Centre
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