March 2014

WB&DTUC Secretary’s Report March 2014

Affiliated branches:  ASLEF,   Community 17000, Community Craft, Community Region 4 Associates,   CWU,   NASUWT,   NUT,   UCATT,  UNISON General, UNISON Police Staff, UNISON University, UNITE WM6150, UNITE WM 6151

branches which affiliated to us last year but not so far for 2014:



TUC UNION REPRESENTATIVES course Stage 1 at Wolverhampton college, ten Mondays from 28 April 2014 01743 342531

Press coverage:
Last month’s  Atos protest in Wolverhampton was covered in the Express & Star with a quote from the secretary.

BBC Midlands & ITV Midlands TV interviews, Express & Star and BBC West Midlands radio interviews by President and Secretary and local trade unionists on protest against 2,000 council job cuts. Turnout was poor however.

Next protest is Wed 19th March 5.30pm council chamber level 4, civic centre, Wolverhampton on Budget Day

  The secretary was also interviewed live on WM Radio about  RMT Gen Sec Bob Crow after his untimely tragic death. 

It was sad to note that another larger than  life trade unionist and former Bilston MP Dennis Turner has also died.


Diary dates:

Thursday 20th March WB&DTUC meeting

7.15pm Wolverhampton Civic Centre


Saturday 22nd March national demonstration against racism & fascism

& marking UN Anti-Racism Day.

Coach from: Wolverhampton @ earlier time of 7.15am Faulkland St coach Park

to book a place ring 07847 673531 £10/£5/free


Saturday 29th March Midlands trade union councils conference Birmingham – we can send up to 2 delegates and one motion but must decide at this month’s meeting.


Monday 31st March 7.30pm Black Country People’s Assembly next organising meeting will be: @ Lych Gates Tavern (upstairs) 44 Queen Square, Wolverhampton WV1 1TX

Tues 8th and Wednesday 9th April at 7.30pm only Brassed Off @ Grand Theatre.

   Claim up to 4 best available tickets for just £15 each  – Code: UNION15

Saturday 26th April Love Music Hate Racism festival Dudley Town Hall
Monday 28th April 12.30pm Cenotaph Wolverhampton – Workers Memorial day
Thursday 1st May 7pm annual International Workers’ Day celebrations Pegasus, Wolverhampton WV6 0QQ inc.Urbun Roots, Transit Trix, Tim Martin, Ade Turner & Rob Marris.
Saturday 7th June 2014 is the date for the tenth Midlands TUC Cradley Women Chainmakers’ festival will be in Bearmore Mound Playing Fields, Cradley Heath, B64 6DU
Saturday 21st June People’s Assembly national demonstration London
Sunday 28 September 2014, march and rally Conservative Party Conference, Birmingham

Saturday 18 October TUC is to organise a mass demonstration in London under the banner of Britain Needs a Pay Rise. We will have a coach.

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