May 2012


MINUTES OF Delegate MEETING 17th May 2012


Present:  Sis Taylor (CYWU/Unite), Harrison (UNISON Police), Crawford (TUC), Ceresa & Sharkey (UNISON Gen), Kelsey (CWU)

Bro. Parker (PCS), S.Grant (NUT), Juss (GMB), Rahimi(UNITE 0758M) Kelleher & Deacon (UNISON Gen), Childs (CWU) Marris (UNITE 5/836), Jackson (UNISON Police)

Apologies:  Bros. Baynham (UNITE 0758M), Dodd (UNITE 3120M), J.Grant (UCU), Cole (NUT), Thomas (Community), Fraser & Everall (UNISON Gen), Bostock (POA).   

Sis  Parish (TUC), Halfpenny (NUT), May (UNISON Gen.), Elson (PCS) 


Minutes of April 2012 delegate meeting.  Agreed a true record with correction:

          “3e) UNITE 5/748 has NOT affiliated yet for 2012”

Discussion re Anti Academies. All teaching unions are affiliated. NUT has been negotiating TUC guidance terms and conditions at the 3 new academies and one in pipeline. Seek a speaker. 




Executive Committee report May 10th 2012

b) still to invite Roger Lawrence to discuss outsourcing & procurement;

d) Discussion on reducing mailing costs. 9 mailings selected (approximate saving of £55/year); (these delegates have been contacted about this and offered continued mailings if they request) – reduction to 53 monthly paper mailings, which includes all branch secretaries and some delegates. Our e-mailing list has increased from 83 to 153 in the last 18 months.

e) May 1st – a dozen people signed up for our emails others gave mobile contacts.

f) Agreed for Secretary to utilise a mass text service online e.g. Skype 6.4p each inc vat or other online companies about 3p ea, to utilise growing mobile contacts list for events and particular campaigns

g) Police Staff privatisation threat – Labour policy is against. Cnllr Bob Jones on Police Board

h) NHS demo motion passed last month – Sec to check with Unison whether 2-6-12 date for demo is loose and could be amended then send to CATUC


Correspondence of note:

1. Offer of potential UNITE speaker re outsourcing

2. Late response from Workers Beer re this year’s festivals; but we managed to submit numbers for this year’s festivals. There is no Glastonbury this year.

3. Birmingham Pride parade 2 June

4. Chapter 11 WBDTUC History proof-read – Bro.Auger


See our website for full details of:

10. Wolverhampton Palestine meeting 10am 26 May, Friends meeting House 8b Summerfield Road, West Park

11. Save your Railway meeting with Bob Crow 7pm 24 May, Unite, Broad St ,Birmingham TUC

12. Fire in Babylon film/discussion 6th June Birmingham UNISON

13. EU Employment law free seminar Fri 15 June Birmingham



Pension campaign –

PCS – 10 May strike had 83% turnout locally, best of recent strikes. Several WBDTUC delegates showed solidarity on picket lines. Post was not delivered.  Birmingham regional rally got good media coverage.

Further action expected in June. 68 is too late campaign launched with UCU.

20,000 off-duty police demonstrated in London.  POA took action too. 

NUT – seeking unity with other teaching unions no industrial action expected soon.

UNISON – successful Health members ballot for action was rejected. Local Government negotiations ongoing.


UNISON Police Staff – Surrey police privatisation now on hold until autumn, after Olympics. Lobby of West Mids police against privatisation 24 May.

PCS – Deansgate to close and move to Crown House over next 14 months, no redundancies announced.

Anti-fascist campaign – 3 wards fully leafleted joint work with LP in two. Fascist Bnp had lowest % in two wards and lowest number of votes in other.  NUT branch awarded one of two grants nationally for our campaign leaflets.

Workers Memorial Day, 40 attended on a Saturday with extra speakers Steve Witton UCATT & Emma Reynolds MP. UNISON arranged wreath for us and will invoice us. Labour council flew half masts.

1st May – Good turnout of 300, with a lot staying until the end.  Event worked well. No collection taken but a dozen new signups for mailings. Half of £1400 costs for 2012 raised so far. 2013 planning meeting 21 May

Palestine – public meeting with Clare Short. & launch of ban Veolia campaign attracted 80 people on a Friday evening. 26  May meeting. UNISON’s Bro Auger doing sponsored walk.



Bro Juss reported on the TUC Black Workers conference – 50% British African-Caribbean youth unemployment, 1 in 3 amongst British Asian youth. Bro.Juss moved the motion on the legacy of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry, in front of his mother Doreen. Equalities agenda being put back by Con Dems. Lack of organ donation in BME communities. Miami 5 campaign. 3,500 Cubans have been killed by external terrorists since the Revolution. The Miami 5 infiltrated groups in Florida to expose terrorist links but they were arrested by FBI when presenting their evidence and jailed. Two have had no visitation rights for 14 years.


Sis.Kelsey – Women’s TUC report – women hit hardest with cuts to services and safety. Walsall 10 Nov Communities on Breadline conference.


TUC Pasty Tax – Sis Crawford reported that leafleting took place and fancy dress used. 50 signups to text number in campaign. Youth Unemployment campaign to be launched.


Trades Union Council conference Sis Taylor to produce written report


AOBChainmakers 9 June, we have a stall. Statue unveiling and march. PCS set up Facebook page which is getting a lot of attention.

Request of help in letter writing for an Irish traveller sought – Bro Grant offered.


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